My Angel Diary: Going to Church

Dear Angel,      Yesterday we went to church. We had stayed up late the night before at Renate’s. You woke up  late and were surly. Your potatoes weren’t salty…


Holy Spirit, I am choosing to suffer and desire to know a way to the peace of Christ once again. Please guide me.  How do I transform the anger I…

The Missing $50

I woke up at 12am. I went to the banana hut and wrote my blog. I fell back asleep around 2pm. I woke up again at 6:30am. I started a bath, then I…

A Gift of Tomatoes 🍅

I woke up at 12am. I went to the banana hut and read. I fell asleep again around 2am. I listened to an audio book “The Splender” by Marie S. Watts while…

The Shelling Peas Show

Dear Diary and Friends, Yesterday I woke up at 4am. I went in the banana hut, read and meditated. I fell back asleep around 5:30am. I woke up again at 6:45am. I started…

Who Ate My Peaches?

I woke up at 5:45am. I read and meditated for 30 minutes. Then I blended up half of a watermelon. It made 92oz. I put it in jars to take to…

Loving Life

I woke at 1am. I went in the banana hut and read. I fell back asleep at 2am listening to an audiobook. I woke again at 5:24am. I wrote my blog, then got up…

Yesterday’s Day: Playing in the Sun

Yesterday Yesterday I woke up at 1am. I went into the banana hut, read and went back to sleep at 3am. I woke again at 7:30am. I went into the house and made…

Weekend Events: moving Savana and resting

Saturday and Sunday Saturday morning I woke up at 4am. I went in the banana hut to read and fell back to sleep at 6am and slept until 7:30am. I went into the house, made…

Yesterday’s Day: Playing In The Woods

Yesterday’s day I woke up at 1:47am. I went to the banana hut, wrote my blog, meditated and read. I fell back asleep at 5am and woke up again at 8:30am. I really slept…

Yesterday’s Day: A Day of Play

Yesterday’s day I woke up at 4am. I went into the banana hut where I read and meditated for a couple of hours. I went back into the house at 6am. I…

Yesterday’s Day: Kind and Accepting

Yesterday’s Day I woke up at 3am. I went into the banana hut to read and meditate for a couple of hours. I fell back asleep at 5am for an hour. Then I…

Grieving for Becky

Yesterday morning a coyote took my favorite chicken. I was sitting in the banana hut reading. It was a chilly morning and I was waiting for it to warm up…

My Purpose In Life

I contemplate life a lot. It’s seems like people seem to want a purpose in life. I desire to just be. To play. To have fun. To enjoy life. I…

I See Only Love

January 17, 2021 Morning meditation notes: I SEE ONLY LOVE I am one with God, for God dwells within me.  The nature of my heart is only love.  I am a…

My Heart Expands

January 16, 2021 MY HEART EXPANDS • I remember the love I am. • I am the power of the heart of God. • I am love knowing itself. •…

Love Fills Me Up

LOVE FILLS ME UP I celebrate my life.  I find the beauty right now in this moment.  Love transforms my every misperception into light.  I am the heart of God. …

Love Moves Me

Morning meditation notes: LOVE MOVES ME – I am completely open. – I am in love with all I encounter. – Love moves me. – I shift to my heart.…

We Are All One Life

Morning meditation notes:January 7th 2020 We Are All One Life • I am one with everyone and everything.• I breathe the breath of life.• I breathe eternal light.• I breathe…

Fear is My Teacher

Morning meditation notes: January 6, 2020 Fear is My Teacher • I am the heart of love.• I delight in every experience of living.• My heart is pure exuberance.• My…