December 4 and 5, 2023
I woke up from 11:30 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. and wrote my blog. I woke up again at 5:00 a.m. I sat up and prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes.
Dear God,
Thank you for a good nights sleep. I am grateful to be alive.
Thank you for health. I am grateful for my health.
Thank you for people. I am grateful for other humans to connect with.
Thank you for money. I am grateful for giving and receiving.
Thank you for wisdom. I am grateful for guidance.
Thank you for hugs. I am grateful to love and be loved.
I had to be at work early this morning to clean a business. Christopher was awake when I went in the house and he had tea water warmed up. I made my tea and a smoothie and headed to work. My first cleaning job was a new one. I was cleaning The Shoppes at Moon River, where Moon Brew is and it’s one of my favorite places. It was an honor to be hired to clean there. I listened to uplifting music and joyfully got the place sparkling clean. Moon Brew is closed on Mondays so I stopped by the bookstore to get a chai tea and order some books on the way to my next job. I realized after I got there that ordering the books was going to take longer than my allotted time, so I told them I would be back later to finish up.
I cleaned 3 more places, did a pet sitting job checking on the animals in between my third and fourth job. I enjoyed cleaning, checking on the animals and visiting with my clients that were home. It was a good fulfilling day of work. With work completed, I went back to the bookstore and finished ordering books for Christmas gifts. I bought a bunch more Christmas gifts while I was there. It was great fun hanging out talking with people and shopping.
When I arrived home, I greeted Christopher and Angel. Christopher had spent the day hooking up hot water to our kitchen and laundry room. We are building our small house little by little, paying cash as we go. Last winter we enjoyed having an indoor kitchen sink and not having to wash dishes at the outdoor sink. This winter we get the luxury of washing dishes indoors and washing them with hot water. It’s getting fancier and fancier around here. Yay for Christopher!
I took a nice hot bath in our outdoor bathtub. Hot water for that comes from an on demand propane powered hot water heater. Even when we get our indoor bathtub installed, I will be bathing outdoors in my homemade hot springs surrounded by banana plants and bamboo. Angel bathed after me until supper time. I had a big yummy salad for supper and headed out to try out for a play.
I drove the back highway to the auditions. When I arrived, I was feeling tired and had a headache (I rarely get headaches). I did my best trying out but really I just wanted to be home and in bed. The auditions lasted for a couple of hours and when they were finally over I was grateful to be heading home. Christopher and Angel were still up when I arrived home. We all said our good nights and went to bed. It had been a long satisfying day. I was happy to be in bed and fell asleep immediately at around 10:00 p.m.
I slept restlessly and woke up several times in the night. In the early morning I finally slept deeply from 4:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. It was nice being able to sleep in. I changed my bedding and started a load in the washing machine. Then I went in the kitchen, greeted Christopher and made tea. Angel was still asleep and Little Bit woke her up by licking her face and jumping all over her. I told her I was going thrift store shopping with my friend R. She wanted to go with me and I said she would have to do some schoolwork first since it was a school day. She balked at that but managed to get some reading done before it was time to leave.
We picked up my friend and headed to the thrift store. It was busy there where we arrived. That store is always busy. It’s the best thrift store in the county. We found lots of good treasures and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. My friend R and I are perfect partners for thrifting. We finish shopping at the same time every time. After loading our treasures in the truck we walked a couple of blocks to a new bakery that had just opened up. It was a cute shop with an upstairs seating area that looked out over the court house square. I had a fruit and granola cup and it was yummy.

When we arrived back home, we showed Christopher our treasures and I did more laundry. I was going to take a nap but Angel and I got started wrapping more presents instead. Christopher sat and talked with us some of the time while we wrapped. Angel got to practice writing by putting the names on the gift tags. When we finished, Christopher left to spend time with his friends out in the woods and we stacked all of the newly wrapped presents under the tree. I went to start a bath and noticed the shower head was broken. I called Christopher about it and neither of us could figure out how it happened. I would just get a new one. Regardless I was able to fill up the bathtub and took a bath with Angel. After getting all clean and dressed we headed to town. I stopped at the library to print out some Amazon labels to return wrong items sent. I received 2 packages from Amazon earlier and they were both not the correct size that I had ordered. I was grateful that happened because I could send them back and buy the items locally instead. I prefer to buy local and support local businesses but sometimes ordering on line is more convenient. I remind myself, I’m not here to live a convenient life, I’m here to live a purposeful life.
While we were at the library I showed Angel the Nancy Drew books and told her about them. She was excited about them and we checked out the first 2 books. We left the library and stopped to get propane but they were out. Then we went to the grocery store and after that got something to eat at La Carreta. They have delicious steamed carrots and broccoli that I like to have with slices of avocado. While we waited for our food, I read Angel the first 4 chapters of book one in the Nancy Drew books, The Secret of the Old Clock.
After eating, we went through the car wash and drove to the Kay Theater to practice singing with the guitarist for an after parade event Saturday night. It was a fun practice and I look forward to the event.
When we arrived home, we got ready to go to bed and fell asleep around 9:00 p.m. listening to The Boxcar Children on audio.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.