September 28, 2023
I woke up at 4:23a.m. It’s amazing how I can do that without an alarm. I finished editing my blog and published it. Then went in the house and did my morning routine. Angel was coming with me this morning, Christopher carried her to my truck still asleep. She woke up and immediately started talking. We headed to Street Ministries, I announced my gratitudes and Angel talked and talked on the drive there. (her Native American name is Talks A Lot). The moon was big and bright and we followed it to town.
When we arrived at Street Ministries there were 2 guys, J and JohnJohn already there waiting. We went inside and the place was sparkling clean. J said that him, JohnJohn and few others cleaned it yesterday evening. J started coffee and I started breakfast. I checked the crock pot to see how the beans I started yesterday were doing. They were still hard. I turned it on high and figured they might or might not be ready by lunch time. Angel, JohnJohn and I played “Sorry”, the game ran long and I was behind schedule getting Angel to horse riding lessons. I messaged them that we were 15 minutes behind. On the way there I remembered that I had a pet sitting job that morning as well. Now that I was behind schedule I wasn’t sure where I would fit it in. I trusted that it would all work out.
Angel did great at her riding lesson. She is a natural on a horse. The lesson ended early which made it extra short since we had gotten there late but she got a lot out of the 30 minutes she rode. Now I was back on schedule. I knew it would all work out! I went to my pet sitting job. I played with the dogs and checked on the goats. I gave them fresh food and water and messaged their person about how they were doing.
Next we went and picked up my 4 year old grandson Finn and headed to homeschool co-op at the Cowboy Church. I had the science lesson ph experiment I was demonstrating to the kids all packed and ready to go. The experiment went good for the most part. I could have had more information for the kids but I did my best with the time I had available to prepare.
After co-op we went back to Street Ministries. My friend Rachele and her boys Liam and Shain came also to help me prepare lunch. The beans were soft, yay, so we made a big batch of chili. The lady I had met yesterday already made a big pan of cornbread earlier that morning to go with it.
Rachele left with Liam but her other son Shain stayed to play with Angel and Finn. I would bring him home later that evening when I came back to town for play practice. I stayed and chatted with the guys for a while. I noticed one of the guys praying over his food before he ate it. I realized that I hadn’t been blessing my food lately and I was grateful for the reminder. I was getting ready to head home and close up when another volunteer named Andy came in. I talked to him for a little while, then loaded up the kids and drove home.
At home, I laid down and took a nap while Christopher watched the kids. I slept deeply for 2 hours. I woke up still feeling groggy. I decided to skip supper since I still felt full from my smoothie. I headed out to take Shain home, get groceries and go to play practice. On the way to town, Shain told me that we needed to stop at a drive through and get him some ice cream. I said, “we do?”. He said yes and we needed to get 2 ice cream cones. One for him and one for his brother. I asked if his mom had ice cream at home. He said that she did but she wouldn’t let him have it so I needed to get it for him. I laughed and told him he would have to discuss this with his mom.
I dropped Shain off at home and went to the grocery store to stock up on fruit. (I had plans to go nowhere for the next 2 days which I had off from work). Next I went to play practice which was great fun. After practice I drove home, unloaded groceries, told Christopher and the kids good night (Finn is staying the night)and went to bed.
I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate y’all.