An Amazing Husband

September 27, 2023

I woke up at 3:47a.m. It was a little earlier than my planned 4:30a.m. wake up time but I was awake and got started with my day. I finished editing my blog and published it. Then I made tea and did my usual morning getting ready ritual….use bathroom, make smoothie, brush hair and teeth. I also got some things ready for the science lesson I will be teaching at the homeschool co-op tomorrow. At 5:30a.m. I headed to town grateful for the wonderful day I was going to have. (Here’s a little side note: when I eat out, which is rare, I like to give the server a $10 tip before I even order and I tell the server that is the first part of their tip for the great service they will be providing. Through this practice, I get great service every time. So a few weeks ago I realized that I can do the same thing in my own life by stating ahead of time what kind of day or event or sleep, etc. I am going to have. When I am grateful for a wonderful day ahead of time, then I create a wonderful day out of whatever happens. It goes both ways too, if I started my day saying it was going to be a hard day, then that’s what kind of day it would be. I get to decide and set my stage to reflect what I do want or I can set my stage to reflect what I don’t want.)  

I arrived at Street Ministries at 5:50a.m. and got started making breakfast and cleaning. No one came to eat again so I left the food warm in the oven. My first job went great. When I finished, I had a half hour between jobs so I went in to talk to Jason with Street Ministries about people not coming to breakfast and where else I can help out in the ministry. We had a good talk, then I headed to my next cleaning job. That job went great as well. When I finished, I picked up newspapers from the Rockdale Reporter and delivered them to businesses around town. It went faster than usual this week and I had time afterward to go to Street Ministries again and see who was there for lunch. 

I hung out at Street Ministries for awhile and talked to people, I told the regulars to show up at 6a.m. and get their breakfast in the mornings. A lady stopped in who wants to volunteer also, her and I collaborated on extending breakfast hours. She can stay longer after I leave in the mornings to give people more time to come in an eat. I’m glad she will be helping out. I have a feeling her and I are going to become good friend. There was something about her I felt drawn to. I started some beans cooking in the crockpot to make chili for lunch tomorrow. Then went to work. 

I did my last cleaning job of the day. Then I drove home. I was feeling really tired by the time I got home at 4:30p.m. I greeted Angel and Christopher and asked Angel what she learned in school. “Boring stuff like writing” was her response. Christopher talked to me for a few minutes. I found it difficult to pay attention. I knew he was happy to see me and I was happy to see him but I didn’t want to talk. I was really tired and wanted to lay down for awhile. I told him we could talk more later. I went in the banana hut and laid down. I did a full body relaxation session and stayed fully relaxed for 20 minutes. As I laid there I could feel happiness and joy purring inside of me. It grew bigger and bigger buzzing, glowing, expanding. I opened my eyes. I felt fully rested, fresh and restored. 

I bounced up out of bed. I went in the house and Christopher told me there was a bath ready for me. I stepped into the bath, the temperature was perfect. I melted into the water and floated, laughing and filled with bliss. Angel joined me in the bath. We washed up and went into the house where supper was ready and waiting. I have an amazing husband. He is absolutely wonderful, I am grateful for all he does for me and Angel. I ate salad with lemon tahini dressing. When I was done eating, I got the science project that I’m teaching at home school co-op tomorrow ready to go. Then I drove back to town with Angel. I took a sweet dog home that I’ve been (Christopher’s been) pet sitting for a few days. She was happy to be back home with her person. I stopped by Street Ministries to check on the beans. Then I took Angel to the Cowboy church for children’s Bible study and I went to play rehearsal for an hour. 

I picked up Angel after Bible study and headed home. When I got to the turn off for our driveway there was a car smashed into some trees and bushes on the side of the road. I got out to see if anyone was in the car and a young man got out. He said he missed the turn and his car was stuck. I sent Angel running up the driveway to get Christopher. The young man introduced himself as Connor, then told me all about what happened. Christopher showed up and looked things over, then went to get his truck to pull Connor’s car out. I drove up to the house and parked my truck. Then rode the side by side back to the road to watch the show. Christopher’s truck couldn’t pull the car out so he went and got his tractor. The tractor did the trick. Connor’s car was pretty smashed up on the drivers side but it was drivable. He thanked us and headed on his way. 

We all went back to the house. I made tea and then made a smoothie to take with me tomorrow. We all said our good nights and went to bed. I wrote my blog, did and full body relaxation session and went to sleep around 10:30p.m.

I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate y’all. 



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