Thrifting; Books and a Wonderful Husband

September 22, 2023

I woke up at 5am started writing my blog. I finished at 7am. Christopher had left earlier with Angel to go clean a couple of churches. I got dressed, made a smoothie and drove across the highway with Little Bit to pick up my friend Renaté. I was taking her to a thrift store in Austin for her birthday. I didn’t want to go, I wanted to have a day at home and I’d even tried to get out of it when my stomach was feeling bloated last night but she was very disappointed to not be going. I told her I would see how I felt in the morning. When I woke up I felt great, so it was on and we had a good day thrifting. I got a few good finds. A kids book series to read to Angel, a brand new still in the package cotton blanket, art supplies and a brand new in the box little wagon I’m going to give to Finn for Christmas. 

When I arrived back home, I made up Little Bit’s homemade dog food, then I ground up some wheat berries into flour in the vitamix and started some homemade bread rising. I finished drinking my smoothie and sat outside by the fairy garden with Christopher and Angel. I read Angel a couple of chapters from the first book in the Magic Treehouse series I had bought at the thrift store. Then I finished making the bread and read my book “A Thousand Splendid Suns” and until it was time to get ready for the evening routine. 

I took a bath and Little Bit took a bath with me since he had rolled in something smelly. Angel took a bath next, while she bathed, I read to her the rest of the book I had started reading to her earlier. For supper, I had salad with a lemon tahini dressing. During our meal we shared what we are grateful for. I listed things I was grateful for about Christopher and Angel. I listed all the things Christopher had done that day that I was grateful for. The list was long….he did laundry, made my salad and all of Angels food, made fresh pineapple juice, fed and watered all the animals, took care of Angel, cleaned the churches and did all of the dishes. What a kind and thoughtful husband I have. After supper, I organized some of our spices and made future plans to get a better organizing system. Then I folded and put away clothes, made some tea and came out to the banana hut. After a while Christopher and Angel joined me in the banana hut. I read out loud a couple of chapters from “Summer of Light”. Then we said our good nights and we went to bed. I read “A Thousand Splendid Suns” until I fell asleep around 8:30pm. 

I am grateful for another wonderful day. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I dearly appreciate y’all. 

Love, Victoria 

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