Open Heart; Life Coaching; Helping the Homeless.

September 20, 2023

I woke up at 2:30am and wrote my blog. I woke up again at 6am. I stretched and had my morning tea. I blended up grapes and watermelon for my smoothie to take to work and headed out. It was a great day at work, I love my clients. I cleaned 2 houses, then delivered the local newspaper, the Rockdale Reporter. I finished delivering the paper and had some free time before my next job. I went to the bookstore, bought a couple of books and had a great talk with one of the owners. Then I went and cleaned my last house for a day. I spent the work day focused on gratitude and remembering why I’m grateful for all the wonderful people and things in my life. I’ve noticed when I focus on gratitude my heart is more open and so many amazing people and things come into my life. 

When I finished all my (outside of home) jobs, I drove home and talked with my husband for a while before spending an hour talking with one of my life coaching clients. I love all my “work/play” but being a life coach is my favorite. I myself grow and create new perceptions of awareness after each session. It’s a blessing to follow my heart in serving others because it enriches my life as well❤️. 

After I finished coaching, Christopher and I spent an hour together talking, playing and sharing our love. Then I drove to pick up Angel from her adopted grandma Peggy. One the way I stopped by Street Ministries in Rockdale to talk to man named Jason about helping with the local homeless population. When I lived in Boise, Idaho, I was involved with helping the homeless and lately my heart has been drawn to be a part of that again. Following what God puts in my heart is always fulfilling. When I stopped by Street Ministries no one was there. So I continued on to pick up Angel. I arrived early and while I waited I message Jason from Street Ministries saying that I stopped by and no one was there. He said they were still there. I must have gone to the wrong place earlier. I told him I would come back by. 

Angel arrived and it was great to see her. On the drive back to Rockdale she told me all about her overnight stay with Peggy and George. When I arrived at Street Ministries, I realized I had in fact gone to the wrong building earlier. I talked with Jason for an hour while Angel played with a boy that was there with his dad. I met some of the people that come there to eat and socialize. I already knew one man called Skunk that I talk to often when I see him around town. Talking with Jason I saw how there is a lot of need for help, Jason is pretty much doing it all himself. I figured out how I can help out within my current schedule. I will be serving breakfast from 6am-7am 3 or 4 days a week and cleaning when I have free time. I’m am excited to start next week. 

When we arrived home. We said our good nights and I went straight to bed. I did a full body relaxation session before falling asleep. I fell asleep listening to an audiobook called “Universal Secrets of Telecosmic Power” by Anthony Norvell. 

It was a wonderful day and I am grateful for it. 

Thank you for reading my blog. I dearly appreciate all of you. 



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