November 3, 2023
I woke up at 8 am. Angel was already up and fed. I prayed my thanksgivings and said my gratitudes. I got up and made my morning tea. I talked to Christopher while I got ready to go thrift store shopping with a friend that lives across the highway. When Angel and I were ready, we drove over and picked up my friend. We drove to Rockdale, my friend and Angel looked around in the thrift store while I walked to the library for first Friday coffee. I had some great conversations while at the library and it was wonderful to see all the people that were there.
After meeting back up with my friend and Angel, I got a propane tank filled and we went to the store briefly to grab a few things. Then we went to the thrift store in Cameron. I found a lot of fun things and came across a perfect little end table with drawers to go in the banana hut. It was a successful thrifting trip as always.
I took my friend to her house then went home. At home I briefly talked to Christopher before going for a walk in the woods with the dogs and Angel. Angel had brought some things to create a fairy village along one of the trails. It turned out so cute that we went back for more stuff. Angel added to her fairy village and I started a new one of the other side of the trail. We had a lot of fun playing and being creative.

When we finished playing the woods, I read Angel the rest of “Alfie All Alone” and it had a happy ending. I put the book in the pickup to take back to the library and then we took a bath. Angel played with her new unicorns she got at the thrift store and I wrote my blog. After our bath, we had supper. I had a big bowl of “nice cream”, (frozen bananas blended into soft serve). We all shared what we were grateful for around the table. When supper was finished, I did the dishes, then we all gathered in the banana hut for family story time. Angel and I worked on making an autumn wreath while we all shared about our day. Then I read chapter 1, out loud from “Hank the Cowdog” book 3. Then I read 2 chapters out of “Summer of Light”. We all said our good nights. Angel slept on the trundle bed and we fell asleep around 8:30 pm listening to random kids stories about horses.
I am grateful for thrift stores.
I am grateful for connection.
I am grateful for friends.
I am grateful for fun books.
I am grateful for villages in the woods.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.