November 2, 2023
I woke up at 5 am to the sound of Angel’s dog Chance hacking up. I jumped up and put him out before he threw up all over her bed. After a few minutes, I let him back in and he immediately starting hacking again. I put him back out. I started writing my blog until 6:30 am when I woke Angel up and sent her to the kitchen to eat breakfast. Christopher had it ready for her, as always. He is a good man. I made my tea and smoothie and got ready to go. When I was waiting for Angel to finish getting ready I went to add pictures to my blog and post it but I couldn’t get my website to load up. I wasn’t sure what was going on with it but it was time to leave for horse riding lessons and I’d have to figure it out later on.
I drove the back roads to horse riding lessons. It was a beautiful drive. We saw a lot of deer and an owl. We arrived right on time but no one was there. Then I got a text saying they were running behind and would be there in 15 minutes. I was grateful for the extra 15 minutes so I could figure out what was happening with my website. My website loaded right up. Ok good, it fixed itself. I loaded pictures onto it and posted my blog post about the previous day. Even though I’m blogging daily, I feel like each blog post is a masterpiece and it’s a satisfying feeling posting them each day.
Our horse lesson instructors arrived. They apologized and she shared about how off schedule she had been all week. I understood and shared with her how I had completely missed cleaning for a client the day before. He had messaged me in the evening and asked if he had me down for the wrong day. I realized that I had him schedule at the time we were enjoying story time. No wonder I had free time in the middle of the day to go to story time, I had missed a cleaning job. I apologized to him and told him I would be there today.
Our instructor appreciated knowing that it wasn’t just her that had messed up on her scheduling this week.
Riding lessons were great. I practiced riding smoothly while trotting. I’m going to need more practice with it. I got jostled around mostly, I could feel how to move my hips with every other step but I kept missing it. With practice I will get it.
After riding lessons, we drove to Rockdale. We picked up my grandson Finn on the way and stopped to check on some animals for a friend. We arrived at the homeschool co-op a half hour late but we had only missed most of the singing. The co-op went great. The kids made mosaics from beans and seeds. When co-op was over, Christopher came and picked up the kids and took them home. I went to Street Ministries to make lunch. It was already opened up when I arrived. A man was making food for everyone, so I cleaned up…doing the dishes and wiping everything down. Seven total people came to eat. I stayed until 2 pm, then I locked up and went to do a cleaning job. The one I had missed yesterday. I enjoyed my work and got his house sparkling clean.
After a job well done, I headed home. When I arrived, I talked with Christopher briefly. Then I went for a walk in the woods with Finn and Angel, the dogs and one of our cats named Socks. Socks kept following behind meowing. I’d stop and wait for him to catch up. When we got to the other side of the gulley, the dogs flushed out a big buck who ran across the trail into the woods. We walked a big loop through the woods. Then slid down a dirt slide into the gulley and walked up the other side. All of a sudden I realized that Socks wasn’t with us. I told the kids to go on home with the dogs. I went into the gulley and called for the cat. I didn’t get any response. I walked up the other side and went around the loop again, calling and calling for the cat. Finally at about halfway around the loop, I heard Socks meowing from the top of a tree. He saw me and climbed down. I picked him up and carried him home. He seemed to prefer being carried along.

When I got back home with Socks, I took a bath, then the kids took a bath after me. Christopher’s daughter arrived to get Finn and we all talked in the house while I kids bathed and I got ready to leave for play practice. Play practice was a lot of fun. I’m glad this coming weekend is our last weekend but I sure have enjoyed it.
When I arrived home from play practice, I went straight to bed and fell asleep around 9:30 pm.
I am grateful for work.
I am grateful for cats.
I am grateful for perfect weather.
I am grateful for theaters.
I am grateful for baths.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.