Reading, Peace Pole and Rainy Cold Weather

October 29,2023

I woke up at 6 am. I slept through the night again. Before I got up, I said a prayer of thank you’s and focused on what I am grateful for , then I wrote my blog. The dogs woke Angel up by licking her face and she got up to go eat breakfast. When I finished writing, I got up and made tea. I talked to Christopher and did my morning routine. Christopher left to go to the store and I went to the banana hut. I jumped 200 jumps on the rebounder (mini trampoline), then I sat and meditated for a half hour. Angel was in the house playing in her room. She was all dressed up for church and was inside staying clean. 

After meditation, I went in the house and read Angel a few chapters of “Alfie All Alone” by Holly Webb, until it was time for church. The pastor and his wife were picking Angel up for church and bringing her home. I was attending a dedication ceremony for a peace pole at the Episcopal Church and would leave to go do the play right after. 

I drove the side by side with Angel down the driveway to meet the pastor and his wife at the road. It was rainy and cold. I was enjoying Texas’ first cold rainy weather of the season. While we waited at the end of the driveway, Christopher came home from getting groceries. Then the pastor and his wife arrived and took Angel to church. I drove back to the house, briefly talked to Christopher and headed to town. 

I did some shopping in town until it was time for church. The service at the Episcopal Church was great and the peace pole dedication ceremony was really nice. They had a potluck afterward and I stayed briefly to talk with a few people I had not seen in a while. 

I picked up a fellow thespian on my way to the play. The play went good. I’m really enjoying it. We have 2 more shows next weekend and then it’s over. On the way home, I stopped and checked on some animals for some friends. 

When I got home, I had a salad for supper, our family shared what we are grateful for while we ate. After supper, I took a bath with Angel. Then all of us did a few chores around the house before we gathered in the banana hut for family time. I read out loud “We Don’t Eat Our Classmates” by Ryan T. Higgins. Then I read a couple of chapters out of “Summer of Light” by W. Dale Cramer. We said our good nights and went to bed. Angel and I fell asleep around 8:30 pm listening to “Hank the Cow Dog” on audio. 

I am grateful for rain. 

I am grateful for books.

I am grateful for theater. 

I am grateful for churches. 

I am grateful for family. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you. 



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