October 19, 2023
I woke up at 5 a.m. I wanted to go back to sleep but I knew by the time I went back to sleep it would be time to wake up. I wrote my blog until 6:15 a.m. I had lost track of time. I jumped out of bed and woke Angel up. We had to leave at 7 a.m. to make it to horse riding lessons on time. This was our first time doing riding lessons together and we were excited. On the drive we listened to “Little House of the Prairie” on audio, we finished “The Long Winter” yesterday.
At horse riding lessons, I had payed attention during Angel’s previous riding lessons so I knew a lot of what to do. We had a great time. It felt natural to be on a horse. I could easily read the horses body language and felt confident. The instructors are great and give very useful information that is easy to apply. I am grateful we found such an amazing place to get riding lessons. When the lessons were over and I got off of the horse I could barely stand up for a minute or so. Everyone was laughing because they’ve all experienced that same exact thing when they started out.
After riding lessons we saw some Buffalo on the drive to homeschool co-op. We had extra time, so I turned around and pulled over so we could look at the Buffalo and take pictures.

At homeschool co-op, I was feeling really really tired. I participated at the co-op but I was dragging. I asked a couple of friends there if they could keep an eye on Angel if I took a short nap in the truck. They were happy to help. I went out to the truck, laid back the seat and instantly fell asleep. I slept hard for 45 minutes. I woke up right before the co-op ended. I graciously thanked my friends for watching out for Angel while I slept.
Next we went to Street Ministries to feed the homeless. My friend Andy was already there. We made a big pot of vegetable soup and warmed up biscuits. Angel played with the games and toys while I cleaned up the kitchen. Then I talked to Andy and played a game of “Sorry” with Angel. Seven people came to eat and there was plenty left over. Around 2 p.m. we put the leftovers in the fridge and closed up.
On the drive home we listened to “Little House on the Prairie”. Christopher was still at work when we arrived home. I laid down to take another nap, these late nights and early mornings were catching up to me. Angel played with her new dog Chase who’s name has changed again and now he is Chance. We changed it because he was chasing chickens and we figured having him named Chase wasn’t helping with that situation. Since he got a 2nd chance when he came to live with us we decided that was a better fit. I laid down for about a half hour. I didn’t fall asleep but I did do a full body relaxation session and felt rested. When Christopher came home, I got up to spend some time with him. We sat outside and talked until it was time for me to take a bath and head back to town to do an office cleaning job.
The cleaning job went well. I had recorded my lines for the play on my phone and I practiced them while I cleaned. When I finished up, I picked up a fellow cast member and drove to play practice. We practiced our lines on the drive. Tonight was our dress rehearsal so we got into costume and went through the whole play. We had so much fun during rehearsal. We laughed and made jokes. Sometime during rehearsal I felt a beautiful joyful sense of well being flow through me. I was blissfully happy and glowed. My body purred and my heart was radiant. Practice ran way late and I didn’t get home until after 11 p.m. I fell asleep around midnight filled to the top with peaceful contentment.
I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.