Work, Sad Event, Halloween Costumes, Great Phone Calls and Play Practice

October 17, 2023

I woke up at 5am. I finished writing my blog. Then I got Angel up so she could get ready to come to work with me. We went in the kitchen and Christopher had breakfast ready for her (I am grateful for all he does for us). I  did my morning routine and talked to Christopher until it was time to go to work. 

On the drive to work we listened to “The Long Winter” by Laura Ingalls Wilder. At my 1st job Angel worked on her writing while I cleaned. My client was there with her daughter, so I did not listen to my audiobook. I had a good time cleaning and making her house sparkling clean. 

My 2nd job was cleaning for a sweet man in his 80’s. I had received a message from his daughter last week saying he was in the hospital with an infected kidney stone but he still wanted me to come clean. I went in and Angel settled in doing her schoolwork. I started cleaning the kitchen when the neighbor Ray came over. I know Ray because I clean for him and his wife from time to time. Ray was telling me how they had found my client before he was taken to the hospital. It was a sad story and it sounds like my client might be in the hospital for a while. Ray asked if I had seen the mess in the bedroom. I said I hadn’t but I went and looked. There was blood here and there on the floor and sheets and a bunch of stuff was knocked around. I told Ray I would handle it and he left. I started cleaning up the bedroom. I stripped the bed and started the dirty sheets in the wash. Then I scrubbed the blood spots out of the carpet with sadness in my heart. 

At my 3rd job, Angel continued doing her schoolwork. I let the sadness flow through me and channeled it into doing an amazing cleaning job. Angel finished her schoolwork by the time I got to my 4th cleaning job. She listened to “The Long Winter” on audio while I cleaned. My client was home and we are in the play I’m in together so we had a good talk about how the play is going. I really enjoy her. 

After my last job we stopped by a friends who is making Angel’s Halloween costume, which is a dinosaur. My friend needed Angel to try the costume on and it fit perfectly. Angel looked adorable in it. After some finishing touches the costume will be ready to go. 

We headed home and listened to our audiobook on the drive. At home, Christopher was gone to spend the evening with his friends. I talked to my sister on the phone for a while. She gave me some great insights on processing difficult situations with our mother, who is not the easiest person to deal with. I felt grateful to have such an amazing sister. Next I talked to my son Shawn on the phone. We always have great talks and I appreciate the relationship we have. 

Angel and I took a bath, then headed to play practice. Play practice was great fun. I am having so much fun being in a play. After practice we listened to our audiobook on the drive. When we got home Christopher was back from hanging out with his friends. Angel went straight to bed and fell asleep right away. Christopher and I talked for a half hour or so. I went to go to bed and fall asleep listening to “The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari” but I couldn’t find my speaker. I looked all over the house, in my truck and the banana hut but I could not find it. I thought maybe I had left it at my last clients house but it was too late at night to message her. I would deal with it in the morning. I went to bed and fell asleep around 11 p.m.

I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you. 



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