Hiking at Nails Creek State Park

October 14, 2023

I woke up at 6 a.m. I laid and meditated for a few minutes, then started to write my blog. Angel woke up on the trundle bed next to me and started talking and talking. The dogs got all excited and all 4 of them…Little Bit, LacyJane, Chase and Jake….were jumping from my bed back to Angels bed. I wasn’t getting much writing done. I was laughing at the dogs jumping around playing happily. Finally Angel went to the kitchen to eat breakfast. All the dogs calmed down and I finished writing my blog. 

I posted my blog and went into the kitchen and started getting ready to go hiking at Nails Creek State Park with Christopher, Angel and the dogs. We headed out around 9 a.m. The drive was absolutely beautiful. We drove there the back way and it was worth it. When we got to the state park, we drove around and checked out the camping areas for future use. Lake Somerville was really low from the summer drought. The lake had to have been a good half mile or more from the boat ramp. We parked near a trailhead and walked an easy 1 mile trail with the dogs. The weather was perfect. 75 degrees and sunny with a cool wind.

We finished the first trail and decided to do another short trail that had an overlook. As we walked along I noticed the sunlight looked strange. That’s different, I thought. We got to the overlook and I remembered there was a Solar eclipse today. That’s why the sunlight looked different. I mentioned it to Christopher and he said he had been noticing crescents in the shadows. I noticed it too when we continued walking. It was a neat experience and I was grateful we experienced it on our hike.

As we hiked, Angel started getting really cranky. She wasn’t happy with anything and complained of being cold. I thought maybe she was getting sick but she said that she wasn’t. She lagged farther and farther behind and was getting frustrated with Chase. She asked if I would take him for her and I did. We finished the trail and drove to another nearby state park. Christopher and I wanted to get out and hike to a nearby creek but Angel said she wanted to stay in the car. I felt like something was really off with her. She usually loves doing outdoor adventures. We didn’t hike to the creek and headed home. Angel fell asleep not far down the road. I knew for sure then that she was sick with something. Angel does not sleep during the day unless she has a fever. 

We took the long scenic way home. It was beautiful and fun. I love seeing country I haven’t seen before. There were cute little communities and gorgeous views. Angel woke up about the time we got back on the main highway and talked all the way home. When we arrived, Angel laid down in the yard and fell asleep again. I checked her and she had a slight fever. I was feeling tired myself and I took a nap in the hammock. While I was sleeping I heard Christopher and Angel talking. Later when I woke up fully, I was standing outside finishing my smoothie when Christopher walked up. I asked him where Angel was. He said she fell asleep in the yard again on a blanket. I checked her and she still had a slight fever. 

Christopher had started a bath, I got in and soaked while I wrote my blog. I was debating about going to play practice because of Angel being sick. I doubted I would get what Angel had. I rarely get sick when she does and actually neither of us get sick more than once or possibly twice a year. When we do, it is usually a short 1 or 2 day sweat it out detox. I decided it was best if I didn’t go to play practice, which ended up being canceled anyway. 

Angel had woken up and joined me in the bath. I held her and sang to her. Her fever had broke and she seemed to be recovering already. After a while we got out. We had frozen banana “milkshakes” for supper. Then we went in the banana hut. Angel snuggled up in her bed with Chase. We talked until Christopher came and joined us. I read out loud 2 chapters from “Summer of Light”. It is such a great book. 

We all said our good nights and went to bed. Angel listened to “Saving Sammy” on YouTube while she fell asleep. 

I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you. 



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