September 26, 2023
I woke up at 4:23am. Perfectly on time. I laid there until almost 5am, petting the pups and saying my gratitudes. Then I made my tea, used the bathroom, got dressed, brushed my hair and teeth and put my already made smoothie (7 bananas, fresh pineapple juice) in the cooler. I had 20 minutes before it was time to leave, so I did a meditation (which ended up being a thinking, thinking, thinking) walk down to the gulley with the dogs to see if there was water still in there. There wasn’t. I walked back home and headed out.
At 5:58a.m., I arrived at Street Ministries to prepare breakfast for the homeless. Jason arrived right at 6am and opened the door. I got right to work making breakfast. I was delighted to be there. I cleaned between checking on the food. I waited until 7:20am before leaving for work but no one came to eat. Jason said to give them time to get used to breakfast being served. I put the food in the oven to keep it warm and drove across town to work.
My first cleaning job went great. When I finished, I talked with my client for awhile. When I got out to the truck I realized I had 2 minutes to arrive at a ribbon cutting for my pet sitting business at the Chamber of Commerce. Thankfully it’s a small town and I made it there in 3 minutes without speeding. I did my ribbon cutting and drove back to Street Ministries to see if the food I made earlier got eaten. The food was still there in the oven. I messaged Jason, he said one person showed up for breakfast but he would heat the food up and serve it for lunch.
I drove to my next job. While I worked, I listened to “When Breath Becomes Air” by Paul Kalanithi. I really liked the book and enjoyed cleaning. Next I had a life coaching client and it was a great session. At my last cleaning job, my client wanted me to keep count of any scorpions I found while cleaning, she said they had been seeing a lot of them lately. I found 7 total, 4 dead and 3 alive. A personal record.
After work I drove home. I greeted Christopher and Angel and asked how school went and they both said it went good. Christopher left to go spend the evening at the shack in the woods with his friends. I laid down in the banana hut for a while. I message someone about a pop up camper I was interested in buying. We set up a 7pm meeting time. Angel came in and I felt my adventurous spirit perk up. I asked her if she wanted to go on a ride in the side by side. She yelled, “yes”! I got up and we headed off with 3 dogs down the dirt road. We rode around, then stopped and visited Marc and Renaté before heading home.
Back at home we took a shower and washed the dogs. Then we got in the truck with 3 clean dogs and headed to town. I got Angel bean tacos for supper in town. I was still full from my smoothie and didn’t eat supper. We went and looked at the pop up camper. It was just what I wanted. It needed a little bit of work but not much. The man selling it was very honest and showed me everything wrong. He thoroughly went over each part of the camper explaining how things worked. I bought it from him and we very amiably and fairly settled on a price $400 below his asking price.
We hooked it up to the truck hitch and I drove home. I went the back way because I was getting sway if I went over 40mph. When I got home I parked and unhitched the camper fairly easily. I made some tea and googled how to fix sway while I waited for the water to get hot. Then Angel and I went to bed. I wrote my blog. Angel chose “Little House in the Big Woods” to listen on audio while we fell asleep.
I am grateful to have experience another wonderful day.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate y’all.