Remembering Gratitude

September 18, 2023

Yesterday I slowly woke up. It was already starting to get light out. I appreciated not having to get up and moving right away. I opened the door to the banana hut and enjoyed the cool morning air. I did some stretches sitting on the bed. Angel woke up from sleeping on the trundle bed. She immediately started talking and talking and talking. She get up and makes her bed, talking all the while. I send her over to the house to get some breakfast which I’m sure Christopher has at least started. I meditate for awhile before going in the house myself and having some tea. 

After having my morning tea and talking to Christopher awhile, I decided to start right away on my project for the day which was cleaning out my RV. I spent 4 hours cleaning and got about halfway done. My creative juices were flowing about how to get it fixed up and I enjoyed my work. When I finished I felt like I had accomplished a lot. To celebrate I took Angel to the swimming pond (swim tank), it’s a spring fed pond on property next to ours that Christopher’s extended family owns. I read “The Alchemist” while Angel swam and drank a smoothie. Then I went swimming too. The water felt great. Bits likes to swim with me. I put him on a paddle board and we relaxingly swam around the pond. 

Back at home, I planted some elm tree starts in pots as well as some herb and kale starts that I bought the other day. Then I took a relaxing bath that my husband started for me in the outdoor bathtub. I did a full body relaxation session floating in the water. It was lovely. 

Christopher made me a delicious salad for supper that I enjoyed with a lemon tahini dressing. After we finished eating and cleaning up, Christopher, Angel and I all went in the banana hut. We played a game called “Shut the Box” and I read a couple of chapters out loud from “Summer of Light”. Then we all went to bed. 

I listed to an audiobook called “The Magic” by Rhonda Byrne while I was sleeping. It reminded me to be grateful for all things, past, present and future. The next morning I woke up at 6am. I don’t set an alarm. I wake up when I wake up and it’s always early. This morning I woke up later than usual and had to leave for work at 6:30am. I made my morning tea to go and made my smoothie, got dressed, brushed hair and teeth and I was on my way at 6:40am. 

I listened to “The Magic” while doing my first of 3 cleaning jobs. It was great fun, I was filled with gratitude and joy, doing something I love…making dirty clean. I have so many things to be grateful for and I have a wonderful life. The work day went wonderfully. I had great conversations with my clients and did a good job. When I finished work I went to meet a possible new pet sitting client that lives out in the country. We immediately hit it off and I look forward to taking care of her horses, donkeys, cats and dogs in the future. When I left her place I got gas, went through the car wash, went to the grocery store and headed home. 

At home, I bathed, cut up some grapes and watermelon to take to Music Club and ate a yummy salad. Then I was off to Music Club. It’s was our first meeting after summer break and it was delightful to see everyone. The program was great fun. We sang folk music and had lots of laughs. I got home around 9pm. I kissed Angel and Christopher goodnight and I went straight to bed. 

It was a wonderful couple of days and I am grateful for them. 

Thank y’all for reading my blog. I dearly appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

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