A Day in The Life of The Banana Lady

Dear Diary and Friends,

Here’s a little peek of my day off yesterday.

I woke up at 3am. I didn’t want to wake Christopher so I went into the Happy Banana Hut and wrote Christopher’s daily letter. Then I laid down on the futon around 5am and fell asleep listening to “A Course in Miracles”. I woke again at 6am. I came into the cabin. Christopher and Angel were already awake. I did my morning tasks of making the bed and then making a 64oz. smoothie. Today’s was 10 fresh squeezed oranges blended with last nights leftover applesauce with dates, I also added 7 altaulfo mangos and spinach. I split it in half with Christopher plus set aside a small jar for Christopher’s cousin/boss for Christopher to take to him. I wrote out my gratitudes, talked with Angel and Christopher and listened to fun blue grass music. Christopher left for work and I started laundry. I did a few more things around the house until the clothes were finished washing. Then I hung them on the line.
I then headed into town to run errands. I had talked to a guy in town last week about cleaning his offices and he said to come in today and give him a bid. I stopped by his office and gave him the bid. I did a high bid and he immediately accepted it. Yes!! So grateful! Next I went to the bank and got money out. I drove to another small town to put down a deposit on getting the fire damage fixed on my house. Once that is fixed, my roommate and I are probably going to sell it. On the drive I drank my smoothie.
Next I went to the store and stopped by my favorite Mexican restaurant and got some guacamole to go. Then we headed home to Christopher’s house.
When we arrived Christopher was home from work already. We talked and ate lunch. I had the guacamole I’d just bought. Then Christopher went to work on cleaning up his shop and I laid in the hammock in the sun. It was 78 degrees and sunny. So nice! Then I decided to go for a walk. Angel stayed with Christopher and I walked to his mom’s house. I talked with his mom for a couple of hours. When I got back home I was really hungry so I ate 3 bananas. I talked with Christopher at his shop. Angel was happily playing with some legos that he found. Then I got in the hot tub and watched the “Christopher and Angel Show”. Christopher was getting wood from the woodpile and bringing it into the house. Angel was helping. It was great fun watching them.
Christopher came and sat by the hot tub and talked to me. Angel got in with me and swam around. We got out when it started to get dark. We all helped bring in the clothes off the line together. Angel hung her own clothes up in her closet. Christopher and I put away the rest of the clothes.
I made a big salad for my supper. Mixed greens, apples and lemon/tahini dressing. Then I had some almond yogurt.
Angel got her pajamas on, we brushed our teeth, read stories and tucked Angel into bed. Christopher and I got ready for bed. We were in bed by 7:30pm..lol (old people!) hahaha. We talked for a bit and fell asleep.
It was a very mellow and relaxing day. I am grateful.

Thank y’all for reading my blog and being a part of my life.

With love and gratitude,


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