I woke up at 5:30am. I did meditation and yoga. Then I laid next to Angel and listened to her breath while sleeping until she woke up around 7am. We went into the kitchen. I made sunflower seeds milk. I saved the pulp, seasoned it with fresh lime juice, garlic and dill and put it in the fridge to turn into cheese. Then I made 2 64oz. smoothies with one head of romaine, 6 bananas, 5 strawberries, aćai juice, agave nectar and seed milk each. Next I cut open 2 young coconuts. Angel and I each drank one. I scraped out the meat and Angel had that, avocado and smoothie for breakfast. I drank 2 large glasses of fresh squeezed OJ.

Then I got started right away on painting the guest room. Angel played with her toys while I painted. I was having a blast painting a faux finish on the walls that looked awesome. After a couple of hours I took a break to walk to the hardware store and get curtain rods, a locking door knob and keys cut. Angel didn’t ride her tricycle because it was wet from rain. So she walked with me instead. We had a great time at the hardware store and the cute guy I developed a slight teenage crush on when I was there yesterday rang up my purchase. He’s so cute! Lol.
Back at home, I went straight to work again. I received a few phone calls from my sister, my boys and a friend wishing me happy birthday. I talked to them while I worked away. Angel was in and out while I worked and ate smoothie and her leftovers from breakfast throughout the day. As I was painting I realized that this awkward open closet system that took up half the room could be taken apart and moved. Yes!! I took it apart and moved it to the corner which opened up a whole lot of space. The room looked much much better. I finished painting. Put all the socket plates and light switch plate back on. Put the new doorknob on. It took some adjusting to get it to latch correctly. Then I put the furniture where I wanted it, hung the curtains, made up the bed and cleaned up. It looks amazing!! I wish I had before pictures but I didn’t take any.

Just as I was finishing cleaning up, Savana came over. She played with Angel while I finished cleaning up. After I cleaned up I realized I was super hungry. It was 4 pm and I hadn’t eaten since my morning OJ. I drank the rest of the smoothie that was left from what Angel had had. Then Savana watched Angel while I walked to the grocery store. The walk was blissful. I could just be and not have to pay attention to Angel staying safe. The sun had come out, it was warm and I could feel the smoothie I had just drank tingling through my veins. Yay fruit!! I love the sensation of feeling the energy from fruit flowing through my body. There’s nothing else like it and I only feel it if my body is really clean.

When I got home from the store. I got out the massage table and Savana gave me an amazing massage for my birthday. She also gave me a beautiful card she made. Angel gave me a card that her and Sis Sis made together.

After my massage I made a lentil stew in the crock pot to take to church for a potluck tomorrow. It has green lentils, a whole bunch of kale, tomatoes, cauliflower, garlic, red onion, cumin and jalapeño. I ate 3 tblsp. of pumpkin seed cheese, spend an hour responding to all 215 (wow!) happy birthday comments on facebook, read Angel stories, wrote my gratitudes and stumbled into bed. I was happily exhausted. I was a wonderful birthday.
Thank y’all for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you very very much.
With love and gratitude,

I am so happy that you enjoyed your birthday. Massages 💆 are a bonus, and the birthday cards were so cute and artistic!
Sending Love ❤️ and Peace ☮️,
Awww…thank you Diego.