Laughter: What we ate and how we spent our time.

I woke up at 2:30am. I read until 5:30am. I went back to sleep and Angel woke me up again at 8:30am. We took a shower and got dressed. Then I went into the kitchen and made sunflower seed milk. I saved the pulp and added garlic, lime juice and dill to it to make cheese. I put it in the fridge. Then I made 2 smoothies with 6 bananas, seed milk, aćai juice, agave nectar each…then one I added grapes and the other I added strawberries. I opened up a young coconut. Angel drank the water. I scraped out the meat and Angel at that throughout the day. I drank 2 16oz glasses of fresh squeezed oj.

I cleaned up the kitchen. Then Angel bicycled and I walked to the store.

I was feeling impatient with Angel, dilly dallying around. I acknowledged this feeling and noted that I had not done my morning meditation. I was also feeling frustrated with people I encountered. The lady that lit up a cigarette right by where Angel and I were filling up water. The guy who left his 5 gallon water jug in the water machine while he did his shopping that we had to wait for. The grocery store not having eggplant that I needed for an online order. I normally wouldn’t let these things be a something that would take away my peace but today I was easily influenced. Some days are like that.

When we got home. Savana was up and about. I asked if she could stay with Angel while I drove to the other grocery store across town. She said she would. I was so grateful to have some time to myself. When I arrived at the other grocery store, I was also grateful that they had eggplant and much better quality zucchini. When I got back home. I quickly walked back to the grocery store by my house and returned the not so great zucchini.

Back at home I started making the online order of zucchini chips and eggplant mini pizza pies. While I was working away, I received a phone call from a man who was suffering from mental illness and wanted to know more about my story. I had given him my number over email last week. We talked for an hour or so. It was a wonderful conversation and the Holy Spirit spoke through me through most of it, which is always a brilliant experience. I get as much out of it as the person I am speaking to. I’m very grateful to have this gift of mentoring and coaching. When the conversation was over he felt very encouraged and was so thankful he paid me very well, which was a surprise. I hadn’t expected anything. My heart was only focused on giving him the information he needed to transform his life.

When I got off the phone I started working on the online order again when Savana said her and her friend Tyler were ready to help me work on the RV. I put the food prep aside and went out to the RV. First we emptied the grey water tank which was very very full.

Then I took a break to do a video chat energy code session with a friend. That didn’t take long. Then Tyler helped me add on an “extend a stay” kit to the propane tank so we could attach an outside portable tank and use it instead of having a truck come fill the built in tank. We got everything attached. I went to the hardware store across the street and bought a portable propane tank. I brought it back and hooked it up. Nothing happened. We tried different things and watched YouTube videos for a couple of hours. It still wasn’t working. So finally I decided it just wasn’t going to work. I unhooked the tank and took out the extend a stay kit.

I took the tank back to the hardware store to return it. I told them I couldn’t get it to work. The guy looked at me sort of strangely and said…you know this tank is empty right? Lol. How funny! I called Savana and asked her to have Tyler hook the extend a stay kit back up, that the tank had been empty. I went and got the tank filled. Brought it home and hooked it up. It worked perfectly! Ha!

Next I fixed the clothes line with Angels help and hung up my clothes that I had washed that morning. When I fished that, I went back to working on the food prep for my online order. I didn’t have much more to do. I drank what was left of my 1st smoothie while I worked. Angel had drank most of it throughout the day, as well as ate 2 bananas, avocado and coconut.

I finally finished the zucchini and mini pizza pies and put them in the dehydrator. Then I sat down with a big salad and a glass of fresh OJ. Angel day with me and ate coconut. While I was eating a friend called. I told her the story of the empty propane tank. We laughed and laughed. It felt so good.

After I got off the phone and finished eating, Angel and I took a hot epsom salt bath. Then we read 2 stories, wrote our gratitudes and went to bed.

Thank y’all for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you!

With love and gratitude,


6 Replies to “Laughter: What we ate and how we spent our time.”

  1. Victoria,

    I love this post. Whenever we heal our lives, other people begin to look up to us and reach out to us for healing. And admiting our own flaws makes healing all the more powerful. I am beginning to notice this more and more, where people seem to be admiring me. For instance, I have inspired one of my friends to begin practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga 🧘🏽‍♂️. Some other people are commenting on how much they admire my discipline, health and sense of balance. You are truly a blessing to others. With much gratitude,


  2. Victoria,

    I love this post. Whenever we heal our lives, other people begin to look up to us and reach out to us for healing. And admitting our own flaws makes healing all the more powerful. I am beginning to notice this more and more, where people seem to be admiring me. For instance, I have inspired one of my friends to begin practicing mindfulness meditation and yoga 🧘🏽‍♂️. Some other people are commenting on how much they admire my discipline, health and sense of balance. You are truly a blessing to others. With much gratitude,


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