Friday May 31, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 5:30 am. It was pouring rain outside with thunder and lightning. I messaged Alan, the guy in charge of our kayaking adventure, to see if we were still going. He messaged back saying it was canceled. I figured it would be. I sent good morning texts to my friends that I message good morning to daily, more people keep getting added to my good morning text list. I laid in bed listening to the rain, waiting for it to ease up before going into the house. I felt fabulous and filled with joy. I’d had fun dreams about appreciating beauty and being content with life. I reflected on my dreams while I laid there listening to the delightful weather outside.
When the storm eased and the rain slowed down, I got up and let out the chickens, ducks and geese. When I opened the door to go into the house there was a thunder clap and our dog Healer dashed inside (he must have come out of the shed he sleeps in and followed me to the house). I laughed as he ran to the couch and jumped up on it. He knows he’s not supposed to be inside but I let him be because of the storm. Christopher was making his breakfast and I greeted him. I laughed as I told him that Healer was inside and making himself at home on the couch. Christopher looked and grumbled something about Healer being on the couch. I watched Healer and Bits playing together, wrestling around. I laughed and laughed at their playfulness. I heard Christopher behind me gruffly asking “why is that funny”. I smiled at him and continued to watch the dogs and laugh. They were having so much fun. I let them play a while, then I put Healer out so Bits could eat. I gave Christopher a hug to help ease whatever was bothering him. Then I made my tea and went out the banana hut with Bits.
I laid in bed watching tornado videos and listening to the wonderful sound of the rain. I was feeling grateful for all the rain we’d been getting. It was so nicee to have a relaxing morning. After a while, I got up to hang up laundry. I noticed Christopher’s truck was gone, he must have left to clean a couple of churches. He likes to clean the churches for me to make some money. He doesn’t get that much work doing foundation repairs with his cousin and I’m happy to share some of my opportunities with him.
I hung up the laundry inside the house since it was raining outside. Hanging up the laundry is fun. I view it as art and enjoy looking at my masterpiece when it is finished. I went out to the banana hut and laid in bed again. I noticed that I had received a message from my friend Tracy saying he was going to Costco in College Station and asked if I wanted to go. I wasn’t sure if he had left already so I called him up. He said he hadn’t left and Costco didn’t open until 10 am. I thought about having a no clothing stay at home day but I knew Costco had some uncooked tortillas with only 5 ingredients that Christopher wanted to try and they had seaweed snacks that I wanted to get. Plus they usually have great produce. I also wanted to go to Farm Patch in College Station and get some more of their amazing watermelons. I said I would go and we decided to take my truck.
I got ready and picked up Tracy. He lives only a few miles from me on a back road. I love taking the back roads even though it gets my truck dirty. Worth it! Plus I love dirt 😁. Win win! Tracy and I enjoyed each other’s company on the hour drive to Costco. We both have a unique way of viewing the world and it’s fun to encourage each other’s uniqueness. Tracy is a very positive person and it’s refreshing hearing his perspective on things. We’ve become good friends and text often. I am grateful for his friendship.
At Costco, I bought seaweed snacks, apricots, coconut water, maple syrup and bananas for me. I bought uncooked tortillas for Christopher. It has been years and years since I’ve been to Costco. It’s a whole different world in there 😂. I was grateful I got to go though and appreciated Tracy inviting me. After Costco we went to Farm Patch. I could spend all day at Farm Patch just smelling the amazing smells of all the fresh fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are so colorful and vibrant and healing. They have love energy and I feel high on love when I eat them, especially when I eat them raw with their living enzymes (loving enzymes). I bought 2 big watermelons, 2 honeydew melons, 3 cucumbers, raw cheese, raw pumpkin seeds, turmeric, olives, 2 nectarines and 3 peaches. Tracy had never been there before. He seemed to enjoy looking around and seeing all that was there.
Tracy and I had great conversations on the drive home. When I dropped him off at his place I spent a few minutes petting his dog Cassie and the goats and watching the turkeys that live there. A turkey is currently sitting on some eggs. When they hatch and are old enough, I will get some of the babies to add to our birds. Yay!

When I arrived home, Christopher still wasn’t there which was unusual. I put away the groceries and went to the burn barrel to burn some garbage. Suddenly, I heard a hissing sound a little ways away and the dogs started barking at something. I knew immediately it was a snake and went to investigate. It was a hog nosed snake. They are quite the characters getting all cobra like and trying to look scary. I called the dogs off of it and let it go on its way.

I opened up a honey dew melon and sat outside eating it half of it while watching all the animals do their thing. I gave the chickens my melon rind when I finished and got the fountain going that’s under the mulberry tree. It was nice hearing the running water again. I went in the house to get the other half of my melon when Christopher came home. He said he had gone shopping after cleaning the churches and bought a new push lawn mower. He unloaded it and started putting it together. I cleaned out the kids pool and started filling it up with water. Then I sat by the fountain eating the other half of my melon while watching Christopher.

My 23 year old daughter brought Finn and Angel home at around 3:30 pm. They’d had fun staying the night at her house. She had taken them to a wildlife safari in Hearne today and the kids were excited to tell me all about it. After telling me everything they saw, the kids changed into their swimsuits and got into the pool. They hadn’t been playing in the pool very long when Finn’s other grandma came and picked him up.
When they left, Angel and I went to swim tank with Bits, LacyJane and Healer. We didn’t stay long because it was almost dinner time. I slowly swam the length of the pond and back. On the way home, we stopped at Christopher’s brother’s place to say hi to him but he wasn’t home. I had picked up some Amazon packages from his driveway and put them on his front porch.

At home, I wrote my blog until dinner was ready. I ate a salad and Christopher tried out the tortillas I had bought him. He said he liked them. I told Angel about Healer coming in the house that morning and wrestling around with Bits. We all laughed about it, even Christopher laughed about it this time. We all shared our gratitudes around the table. Mine were:
- I’m grateful for a yummy salad.
- I’m grateful for melons.
- I’m grateful for good friends.
- I’m grateful for a healthy family.
After dinner, I did the dishes and put away the laundry from off the line. Then I made tea and laid in the banana hut using a shiatsu massager my sister Trish had given me on my shoulders and neck while I wrote my blog. When Christopher and Angel came in for story-time. Angel read some of Fox in Socks and I read the last chapter from Stormy, Misty’s Foal. It was a great book and I want to get more books written by that author, Marguerite Henry. I then read 2 chapters from The National Park Mystery Series book 4. Those books are great too and the author is currently writing book 5. I’ve been following his progress on his website:
Angel and Christopher went into the house to sleep and I wrote more on my blog. I turned out the light and went to sleep around 8:30 pm. Before going to sleep I said my prayers. I prayed:
- my eyesight to be fully healed.
- to have a deeper understanding and compassion towards others.
- my heart to soften in the areas it is hardened.
- to love others where they are at without judgement.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my journey. I appreciate you.
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.