Thursday May 30, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 5:30 am. I felt really rested. I’d had a fabulous dream about hanging out with my mom at a church retreat. We were helping out in the kitchen and my mom was being critical. I wasn’t triggered by her meanness. I felt love radiating through me and I was patient with her. I spoke to her gently and with kindness. It was a wonderful dream. When I woke up my heart felt light and I was filled with joy. I got up and let out the chickens, ducks, geese and kittens. The kittens get put in their kennel in the shed at night to keep them safe. So they are now added to the list of animals to let out in the morning.
I woke Angel up in the trundle bed. She laid there and didn’t get up right away. Little Bit wanted to play fetch, so I threw his toy and he ran across Angel searching for it and accidentally scratched her in the face. She got up real quick, mad and yelling at Bits. I looked at her face and she had a scratch under her eye but it didn’t break the skin and wasn’t bleeding.
We went in the house and got ready for the day. I fed Bits, made tea and a smoothie. I cut up a bunch of watermelon, packed it in containers and put it in a cooler to take with us. We were going to the splash pad and the city pool today and watermelon is a great snack for the kids.
I headed out with Angel and drove to pick up Finn. He was excited that we were going swimming later on. Angel went to her riding lessons while Finn and I watched. Today she practiced weaving through barrels at a trot. She is getting really comfortable riding a horse now and it’s fun to see how much her riding skills have improved.

After riding lessons, we went to Rockdale. The kids were hungry so we stopped at Moon Brew and all had fruit and yogurt. I chatted with my friend Maggie who was working there today and ordered a tea. When we left, we picked up Ms. M from her house. On my way, I received a message in the homeschool co-op group that the splash pad was closed and we were meeting at the park instead.
Three other mom’s came to the park for the homeschool co-op meet up. We are done with our regular program for the summer and are meeting at parks and doing some camping trips. Our homeschool co-op school year will start again after Labor Day. Angel still does her regular schooling at home year round because she usually only does school 3 days a week and she gets a lot of vacations when we travel.
The mom’s all sat at a table and talked while the kids played. One mom brought a bunch of clothes her kids had outgrown for us to go through and I got some clothes for Angel to grow into. Ms. M sat with us and listened to us talk. She stayed put and didn’t try to wander. While we were all talking I received a message from a guy in my master naturalist group asking if I wanted to go kayaking with a few people tomorrow down the San Gabriel river. I said yes. I had a massage scheduled for tomorrow at 1 pm that I wouldn’t make it to if I went kayaking. I sent my masseuse Cheri a message asking if she had any openings for later today that I could go to rather than tomorrow. Later on she message back that she had a 4 pm available. I had her put me down for it and thanked her for making that change for me.
We left the park at around noon and I took Ms. M home. I drove to my friend Rachele’s and picked up her 2 boys to take them swimming with us at the city pool. I left Bits with her since it was too hot for him to stay in the truck. We arrived at the pool right when it opens at 1 pm. It wasn’t open yet and the people working there said that it wouldn’t be open for a half hour because the chemicals weren’t balanced right. The kids played at the park while we waited. I took this opportunity to write my blog. At 2 pm when the pool still hadn’t opened, I knew the kids would have less than an hour to swim. My 23 daughter was picking up Angel and Finn at 3 pm and they were staying the night with her. I would take Rachele’s kids home and then go to my massage at 4 pm. I told the kids we wouldn’t have very long to swim and we didn’t know when the pool would open. I said we could go back to Rachele’s and they could play in the sprinkler instead. That didn’t go over well, they wanted to swim in the pool and there was protests and crying. As we were walking to the truck to leave, the pool opened. The kids were very happy about that and the crying changed to cheers. We went inside and everyone had fun swimming. During a swim break, the watermelon was well received and the kids ate it all within 10 minutes. I messaged Rachele asking if she could come get her kids at 3:30 pm so they could swim longer and she said that was fine. My 23 year old daughter came at 3 pm. She stayed and swam until 3:30 pm too, so everyone got to swim longer.

I made it my massage right on time and Cheri focused on my arms and shoulders. It was a great massage and went by fast. She told me some stretches to do to help with my tendinitis in my left elbow. My left rotator cuff is also giving me issues. I prayed and asked for healing and to be shown clarity about what thoughts I am thinking that are creating pain in my body.
After my massage I drove to pick up Bits from Rachele’s. On the way I was so blissed out from my massage that I forgot where I was going. I couldn’t figure out what road I was on and turned around. Then I remembered that I was going to Rachele’s to pick up Bits and I had been on the right road after all. I turned around again and made it to Rachele’s without any further, “loosing my mind” incidents 😁. I talked with Rachele a few minutes and thanked her for watching Bits.
I arrived home just as a rain storm was starting. Christopher was just starting to eat his dinner. I don’t know what he was eating and I didn’t ask but to me it had a bad smell. I ignored the bad smell and talked with him while he ate. Suddenly the smell got to me and my stomach turned. I ran to the bathroom and threw up some of the smoothie I had drank on the drive home. I was surprised at how quickly that all happened. When I came out of the bathroom, the rain had slowed down and I went to the banana hut to get away from the smell and avoid any repeat episodes.
I wrote my blog and after a while Christopher came in. We sat and talked until it was time for bed. Then we said our good nights and Christopher went into the house. I wrote my blog some more and fell asleep at around 9:30 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of our lives. I appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.