Wednesday May 29, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3:30 am. I wrote my blog until 5 am. I slept again until 6 am. I prayed my gratitudes:
- I am grateful for a good sleep.
- I am grateful for the birds singing.
- I am grateful for my children.
I made a blended watermelon smoothie as well as a banana smoothie. Angel got up and ate some watermelon and got ready to go with me. Christopher packed her a lunch to go and we headed out.

I chatted with my clients while I cleaned and Angel did school. She was fighting doing school and was uncooperative at first. The first hour she only did 2 pages, the next hour she started cooperating and got the other 7 pages done.
Next, we picked up Ms. M and went to the library for story-time. Ms. M enjoyed the kids as always. Angel had fun listening to the stories and coloring a dump truck picture afterwards. It was almost time to leave and I was talking with a friend when out of the corner of my eye I saw Ms. M get up and walk towards the stairs. I interrupted my friend mid-sentence and took off after Ms. M. I caught up to her and asked her where she was going. She said she was leaving. I told her we could leave but I needed to get Angel first. I ran back and told Angel we were leaving and she followed me to where Ms. M was waiting to walk down the stairs.

When we got in the truck, it was too early to go to deliver the newspapers so I went to the bookstore and got a jasmine tea. It was still early but we went to the Rockdale Reporter anyway to wait. I got Ms. M settled into a chair in the front of the building with a newspaper. I sat next to her and filled out my collection receipts and Angel played on her phone.
When the papers arrived we headed out to do the route. I had Angel keep an eye on Ms. M while I ran the newspapers into the businesses around town. I put on John Denver music and Ms. M really likes that and sings along. The route was going along smoothly and I was enjoying myself. Then I missed stepping up a step while running papers up to city hall and I fell face first onto the concrete. There was a group of men standing outside the front doors talking and they were there instantly, helping me up and asking if I was ok. I told them I was fine and they helped me pick up the newspapers I had dropped. My knee was scraped up and my wrist hurt a little but I was barely hurt and I was grateful for that. I took this experience as a reminder to be fully present and pay attention.

When the route was over, I dropped Ms. M off at home and took Angel to the city pool. She had to pass a swim test in order to be able to swim in the pool on her own. To pass the swim test she was required to swim the length of the pool freestyle, tread water for 5 seconds and pull herself out of the side of the pool. She swam across the pool so fast that the lifeguard had to run along the edge to keep up with her. Of course she passed, she has been swimming since she was a baby. Now equipped with her wristband she had full reign of the pool including the deep end. I floated on my back in the middle of the deep end for a while. I love floating on my back in water. There’s something about floating that I really enjoy. I fully relax my body and I’ve found that being fully relaxed from head to toe has been more healing to my body than anything else I’ve done. I have to relax my mind in order to relax my body and it’s all so beneficial. Angel made a friend right away and they were having a lot of fun. I got out of the pool and laid on a towel in the grass and continued my relaxation therapy until it was time to head home to do a life coaching session with one of my clients.

Little Bit was so happy to see me when I arrived home. Christopher was out in the woods with his friends, so Angel and I had the place to ourselves. Angel played outside while I went in the banana hut and did a phone call with my life coaching client. The session went really well and I got a lot out of it. When the call ended, I brought in the laundry off the line and put it away. Then I sat in the banana hut and wrote my blog. Angel laid on the bed next to me and messed with a loose tooth. It was almost ready to fall out, she was determined to get it all the way out and she did. We put her tooth in a ziplock bag and she hid it from the tooth fairy in the truck.
Angel ate some of Christopher’s homemade peach pie for dinner. It’s a healthy pie made with honey instead of processed sugar and the crust is made with oatmeal. So basically it’s oatmeal with honey and fruit 😁. I cleaned up the kitchen and we went to the Cowboy church for Bible study. Bits came with us and he sat on the lap of the lady sitting next to me during the talk, which they both enjoyed. I don’t recall what I got out of the Bible study. The person that usually teaches wasn’t there and a man was filling in for her.
When Bible study was over, there was a meeting in the youth room for all the parents sending their kids to church camp this summer. The meeting was informative and quick which I was glad about because I was starting to feel tired. When we arrived home we went straight to bed. I read 3 chapters from The National Park Mystery Series book 4 and put on a unicorn meditation for Angel while I wrote my blog. We fell asleep at around 9:30 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of our life. I appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.