December 23, 2023
I woke up at 12:30 a.m., I wrote my blog and read a couple of chapters of Sweet September by Tricia Goyer. I did a full body relaxation session and went back to sleep at around 3:30 a.m. I awoke again at 5:30 a.m. I had planned on sleeping in but I was awake so I got up. I jumped 100 times on the rebounder and did some stretching. I thought I had the day off today but I remembered last night that I was doing an extra cleaning for a church and it was my turn to set up the altar. I went in the house and made tea. Christopher and Angel were already up. Angel was playing with legos in her room and Christopher was making breakfast. We had a slow paced morning and had good conversations. Christopher left to go clean a church and do some shopping. Angel and I left to do the same.
We listened to a Nancy Drew book on the drive. At the church, Angel listened to her book while I cleaned. The altar was already set up and I enjoyed making the building nice and beautiful inside and out. I love cleaning churches. When I finished, we drove to Moon Brew. I bought some last minute gifts and talked with a friend while I drank my chai tea. Then Angel and I walked to the bookstore. I got another chai tea there because they are so yummy. I chatted briefly with everyone there, then we walked back to the truck and headed home.
At home, I hung up laundry inside since rain was predicted and wrapped Christmas presents. Then I did chores, gave the ducks fresh water in their pools, watered in the greenhouse, freshened up the dog beds, swept the banana hut and porch. Christopher came home while I was doing all of that. We talked briefly, then he went to his shop to do his Christmas stuff. A while back, I had bought a little porch greenhouse to put my herbs in and it was still in the box. I got it out to put together since we had a cold front coming in Christmas Day. Angel wanted to help, I showed her the instructions and demonstrated how to put it together. She then completely took over and put it together herself. I am impressed with how mechanically minded she is at such a young age. She likes to figure out how things are put together. We put the plants in the little greenhouse and it should work nicely for the winter.

I laid down for a while, thinking I would take a nap but I just rested. I started a bath and had a nice long soak in it when it was ready. I remembered to count my blessings and pray my thanksgivings and gratitudes.
– Thank you for today. I am grateful to experience it.
– Thank you for daughters. I am grateful to be a mom.
– Thank you for churches. I am grateful for the comfort they bring.
– Thank you for baths. I am grateful for their warm embrace.
– Thank you for rain. I am grateful for the life it gives.
I felt blessed to have such a wonderful life, full of love and community.
After Angel bathed, we had supper and shared what we were grateful for. While Christopher showered, I went in the banana hut and made a few phone calls. Then we all watched The Muppets, Mickey Mouse Christmas Carol. It was funny and I had some good laughs. When it was over, we all said our good nights. Christopher and Angel went in the house and I fell asleep early at around 7:30 p.m.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.