October 13, 2023
I woke up at 6 a.m. I let the dogs out and went back to bed. My grandson Finn woke up and laid quietly on the trundle bed next to Angel. Angel was still asleep. I wrote my blog and Finn continued to lay there, still and quiet, staring off in the distance. He is so different from Angel. Angel likes to move constantly and talk and talk and talk. Finn is quiet and easy going. I said good morning to him and told him that he could go in the kitchen and Papa would have breakfast ready. (Christopher makes breakfast for himself and the kid(s) every single morning, eggs, taters and a biscuit or cornbread, and it’s always ready before 7 a.m.). Finn got up and went in the kitchen. I continued to write my blog. After a while Angel woke up. She immediately got up to go eat breakfast. I wrote my blog for a while more. Then I pulled the sheets and blankets off of my bed and put clean ones on. I cleaned the banana hut and straightened up.
I went to put my sheets in the washing machine but there were clothes in there already washed. I pulled them out, started the sheets washing and hung the clothes on the line. I love hanging clothes on the line. I take my time and make it a work of art, with straight lines and all the wrinkles shook out. When I finished hanging clothes, I went in the kitchen, said good morning to everybody and made my tea. Christopher left to go to town and the kids went outside to play. I cut up a bunch of bananas, laid them out on dehydrator trays and put them in the dehydrator to make banana chips. Next I made fresh pineapple/apple juice. I cleaned up the kitchen, then I went in the banana hut to finished writing my blog and work on my music club program for Monday night. Christopher had arrived back home and he came in the banana hut with me to talk. We talked some but I didn’t want to talk. I really wanted to write my blog and put together my music club program before my friend Carolena and her daughter Tat came over. They were coming over to spend the day and I was excited.
Christopher went outside and I worked on my music club program for a while but it wasn’t flowing together. So I put it aside and finished writing my blog. It always feels good when I finish a blog post. I went outside and it was a beautiful fall day. The sun was shining and there was a cool breeze. I drove the side by side to the road to wait for Carolena to arrive. She drove up a couple of minutes later. We greeted each other and got the dogs settled brown. Then we sat by the fairy garden and talked for a few minutes about what we wanted to do. We decided to go for a ride on the side by side.
We loaded up the kids and the dogs on the side by side. Then I drove everyone down the dirt road a few miles to see some big fake dinosaurs someone has out of their property. It was a beautiful drive with lovely scenery. Next, we went to Christopher’s family cemetery. We walked around looking at the graves, looking for the oldest one. In the back of the cemetery were some neat looking rock tombs built above the ground. I had never seen anything like that before. Carolena was shining her phone flashlight inside of the cracks in the rocks to see if she could see bones but she could only see more rocks.

We left the cemetery and I took everyone to swim tank. It had gotten hot out so Angel and Finn went swimming. Then Tat decided she needed to swim fully clothed. I decided I needed to swim too. I stripped down to my undies and got in. The water was cool and refreshing. Carolena waded in but didn’t swim. Angels new dog Chase’s experienced his first time being at swim tank and he thought it was great fun. He waded into the water, laid down in it and stayed there. We all played in the water for a while, the kids played in the mud and the water, then we headed home with wet kids and dogs.

Back at home, I made frozen banana, cacao, coconut water milkshakes for everyone. Then Carolena and Tat left to go home. I took a long hot bath and had the kids get in after I got out, they were filthy. For supper I ate a big salad and we all shared what we were grateful for that day. Then I left for play practice. Angel came with me and Finn stayed with Christopher to wait for his parents to pick him up. On the way to play practice I picked up another cast member that needed a ride. He was telling me about how he doesn’t like annoying kids when all of a sudden Angel started talking to him telling him a really really long story. I looked at the expression on his face and started laughing. Angel talked until we arrived at the theater. I laughed and laughed.
Play practice went good. I have my costumes figured out and we all had a lot of fun. I have my lines memorized for my first scene and I’m about halfway done memorizing my 2nd scene. I like that I’m only in 2 scenes. It’s the perfect amount for me.
On the drive home Angel and I listened to “Farmer Boy” on audio. At home, we went straight to bed and I fell asleep around 10:30 p.m.
I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.