I woke up determine to ride my electric bicycle to work today. I checked the weather forecast and there is a very low chance of rain in the morning and no chance of rain in the afternoon so all was in the clear. I got ready for work and made myself to 64 ounce smoothies. One was just blended watermelon, the other was bananas, strawberries, spinach and coconut water. I used a crate as a basket and put it onto the back rack of the bicycle to carry my smoothies and any supplies I needed. I made sure the battery was charged up, kissed my family goodbye, and I was off. I could imagine my husband thinking he was probably going to have to rescue his crazy wife out on a dirt road somewhere in the rain as I drove away.
The ride to town was wet and muddy and I thoroughly enjoyed myself. There were some parts of the dirt roads that were wet clay and were pretty slick but I made it through and it was a great adventure on my way to work. I arrived at my first job, stripped off my soaking wet muddy socks and shoes and hosed my muddy legs off with the outside hose. My client Mr. J came out to see what I was doing. He is a delightful man in his 80’s and he laughed and laughed as I told him about my adventure. When I finished cleaning his house, he came outside to watch me ride my new bicycle away. He just laughed and laughed.
After work I rode to the store to get supplies for my bicycle and a few groceries. I parked my bicycle inside the store to keep it safe. I did my shopping and went back to my bicycle to make sure a mirror that I was buying to put on it would fit. The greeter at the door asked if it was my bike and I said yes. She told me she was asked to let me know that I could not park my bicycle inside anymore. I said I figured I wasn’t supposed to do it but I did it anyway to keep it safe. She asked about the bike and we talked about it for a little bit then I said I would put it outside and finish my shopping. She winked at me and said you can leave it for now just get it when you’re done shopping.
After I finish shopping I took my bike outside and started putting supplies that I had bought for it on it. There was a young man who was bringing in carts that came over and talked with me about the bike. He started helping me put on a front basket. Then he said he had to go back to work. He moved a few carts and was back helping me again. We put on it a basket, a cup holder, a tool kit and a side mirror. Then I loaded up my groceries of spinach and coconut water and headed home, stopping by the local newspaper office to show them my new bike on the way.
I decided to ride home along the edge of the highway to see how fast the bike would go and see how well it would hold up going fast and how much battery it would use. I had just as much fun riding home as I did going to work. It was amazing how fast those 18 miles went going 30 mph. I felt free and blissfully happy.
After I arrived home, I rested and finished drinking my smoothies. It was a great day and I look forward to many more.
Thank you all for reading my blog and being a part of my life.