Yesterday Day: Adventures in Central Texas

Yesterday’s day

I woke up at 5:15am. I had slept in. I laid in bed and wrote my blog. Then I got up and made herbal tea and my homemade V8. I packed Angel’s overnight bag. (She is staying at her godparents until Saturday afternoon.) Christopher left for work. I blended up half a watermelon to take with me to work. I did laundry. Then I went out in the garden and spread diatomaceous earth on all the plants. When that was finished I left for work. It was a beautiful drive on the back roads. When I arrived at work, I put on an educational show for Angel to watch and talked with my client for a while. Part of what I love about my work is talking with my clients. I understand people and I enjoy listening to them share their thoughts and feelings with me. I am able to be fully present with them and that is a blessing to both of us. Being present is heaven. After I finished my first job, we drove to the next job. Angel loves going to work with me because she gets to watch TV and since we don’t have a TV at home it’s a treat. I put on educational kids shows, as much as I am able to find, so she downloads useful information during her TV time. At my 2nd job I talked with my client awhile and then made her house sparkly and beautiful. When I finished work, we drove to meet Angel’s godmother Peggy. We were early so we did some grocery shopping at H‑E‑B until Peggy arrived. Then Angel went home with Peggy and I suddenly realized I have free time. I knew my friend Rachele was going to Granger lake for the day and that was nearby. So I called her up but it was a bad connection so I just drove over there. They were waiting at the gate to the park but it was closed. So I followed them to another park on the other side of the lake but it was closed too due the water being too high. So we talked for a while figuring out what to do. Rachele and I walked over under the trees so we could talk privately. It was good to spend time alone together for a few minutes. When we went back and joined her family they all decided to go to another place to hike and swim. I decided to head home. On the drive home I meandered around on the back roads. I got deliciously lost and loved every minute of it. I knew I could look up where I was on my phone but I enjoy not knowing where I am at sometimes, it is an adventure and great fun. So I wandered around lost listening to music with the sun roof open and all the windows down until I came upon a road I knew. Then I proceeded to head home the long way. When I arrived home, Christopher and I sat outside and talked for a while. Then we had a delicious supper of wild rice with steamed vegetables and salad. After supper we talked in the banana hut for while. We were both feeling tired so we went back in the house. Savana was there eating the supper we saved her. We talked with her a bit. I had some homemade granola with coconut yogurt. Then I went to bed early and researched goats figuring out which type of goats we wanted to get to add to our mini farm. I went to sleep around 8:30pm. It was a wonderful day. 
Thank y’all for reading my blog and being a part of my life. 
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Love and blessings,Victoria

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