Support and encouragement: Yesterday and Today’s Letters to Christopher

Dear Christopher,
December 20, 2019

First of all….you are so freaking adorable!
I am feeling so so so much better. My tongue is still covered in thrush but I’m feeling amazing regardless, so I know what I’m doing is working. Plus the mental clarity and mood stability I’m experiencing is outstanding. I’m a little bit blown away by your continued support and encouragement to do what I know I need to do. Most people try to discourage me from eating the way I do, let alone when I restrict it even more to low fat. I feel like you have faith in me to know how to do what is best for myself. It’s like you believe in me. It is such a blessing to have you in my life to share a loving, intimate relationship with. You are a blessing to me every single day.
I love you and adore you mucho mucho much!

Yours always,

Dear Christopher,
December 21, 2019.
Happy Saturday!
Another week together and another day off together. When I was reading our morning devotional out loud this morning and I had the thought “we live to die” come to me. I’m wondering what your thoughts are on that.
Tomorrow is winter solstice and I’m super excited. I can feel the energy building. It is going to be really fun spending the day in the woods. We are spending the day in the woods right? Lol.
It’s going to be a great day today. I look forward to spending it with you. I enjoy you.

I absolutely adore your beautiful face!
Yours always,

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