A Letter To Christopher

Almost everyday I write a letter to Christopher. Here is this mornings.

Dear Christopher,

December 3, 2019

I was floating on my back in the hot tub this morning. The stars were so bright shining through the tree branches and I was filled with gratitude. I am grateful to be in this beautiful forest with a such a gentle and kind man. I asked you a while back why you are so nice to me. You said, “because it’s fun”. You are such a blessing in my life. Your kindness to me is giving me clarity on ways I am not kind to myself and ways I am not kind to others. Thank you beautiful Christopher. Being with you is refreshing. I know you see the truth in me and therefore I know that it is pointless to not be honest with myself. Truth is healing me.

Thank you for sharing your wonderful home with us.

Thank you for making me laugh.

Thank you for being my friend.

Mostly though, thank you for smelling so yummy.

I love you dearly ❤️.

Yours Always,


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