A Relaxing Day

September 30, 2023

I woke up at 5am and spent a few minutes focusing on feeling grateful for people, animals and things in my life. Then I wrote my blog. I finished at 7am. I made tea and did my morning routine, then headed out with Angel and Little Bit to do a cleaning bid on a friends rent house in Cameron. The house was real dirty and my bid was high but fair for the amount of work involved. She said she would talk to her husband and let me know if they would take my bid but I was sure they would. 

Christopher texted me about the goats being out of oats. I messaged that I would get some. I wasn’t sure if a farm store that sold oats was open on Saturday since a lot of places in small towns are closed over the weekend. I drove through town to pick up some pavers that are $1 each. As I was driving through town I saw that the hardware store sold animal feed and they were open. I would stop in after getting the pavers. I loaded up 40 pavers and left the money in an envelope. Then I drove to the hardware store. They didn’t have oats but told me about a farm store up the road that did and they were open on Saturdays. I drove to the farm store and they had oats. Yay! 

I drove home. Christopher wasn’t there when I arrived. He had gone to the lumber store in Caldwell. I unloaded the truck and stacked up the pavers. I made a chocolate milkshake from frozen bananas, coconut water and cacao. Then Angel and I sat outside by the goats with our milkshakes. Christopher came home and I told him I got oats and corn. Angel and I sat together and I read her the entire third book out of the The Magic Treehouse series, while we drank our milkshakes. 

When I finished reading I talked to Christopher for a little bit about the big cleaning job we were about to get. Then I watered my fairy garden. I love my fairy garden. It is a masterpiece of happiness. When I finished watering I pulled up grass burrs for an hour or so. Angel asked if we could go to swim tank. I told her we would after lunch. I got a text saying that my bid was accepted. I talked to Christopher about fitting it into our schedule and we set it up for Thursday and Friday of next week. 

After lunch I took the side by side to swim tank with Angel and 3 dogs. I first drove around the woods looking for the flag I lost when I was out driving in the woods on Thursday. I followed the exact same route but did not find my flag. At swim tank, I swam out to the middle with Bits on the paddle board. I floated on my back and completely relaxed my body. I was blissfully weightless. I alternated stretching with relaxing and twisting. It was yoga in the water. I swam back to shore and relaxed in the hammock drinking a smoothie I had brought, feeling the breeze on skin, hearing the highway traffic in the distance and the trees rustling in the wind while I watched Angel playing in the water with the dogs. 

When we came home, I rested in the banana hut talking to my oldest son Shawn on the phone. We had a good talk. When we finished talking, I started a bath, while it was filling up I made a raw tomato soup to have for supper. My sister Trish called and I talked to her while I took a bath. She is getting ankle replacement surgery in April and I am going to help her for a couple weeks. Our other sister Missy is helping also and I told Trish I would get with Missy to figure out who would be there when. 

I had my raw tomato soup and a salad with lemon tahini dressing for supper. It was filling and I didn’t eat all my soup so I saved it to have tomorrow. After supper Angel and Christopher fed the goats together. They sat in there with them to get them tame and petted them. Christopher went to take a shower and Angel and I went in the banana hut and she played music on the xylophone until Christopher came in. I read a couple of chapters out of “Summer of Light”. Then we said our good nights and went to bed. My sister Missy returned my message from earlier and we set up a schedule to take care of Trish after her surgery. Angel slept on the trundle bed next to me and we listened to “Little Town on the Prairie” while we fell asleep. 

I am grateful to have experienced another wonderful day. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate y’all. 



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