Wednesday August 24, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 6 AM. Tracey gave me a good morning hug and made tea. I wrote my blog while Tracey took the dogs on a morning walk. He sent me his morning gratitudes. They were: Good morning beautiful.
I am grateful for Good sleep. I am grateful for peaceful mornings. I am grateful for sounds. I am grateful for hearing. I am grateful for vision to see so much beauty. I am grateful for touch to feel amazing things through. I am grateful for you Victoria. I am grateful for Angel. I am grateful for our intense love, it is such a blessing that I cherish. Thank you️
I finished writing my blog. Tracey came back from his walk as I was editing it. He rubbed my back while I posted it. Then I sent him my morning gratitudes. They were: Good morning my love,
I am grateful for your smile. I am grateful the sunrises. I am grateful for books. I am grateful for motorhomes. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for fruit. I am grateful for water. I am grateful for your gentle touch. I grateful for your love. I am grateful for peace of mind.
I love you my amazing man.
Tracey went outside. I got up and made a honeydew melon/ mango/ strawberry smoothie. I started to get frustrated while making it because the fruit wasn’t blending up very well in Tracey’s nutribullet. I finally got it all blended and woke Angel up so she could get ready to go with me. For breakfast she ate a bunch of mangos. I called the shop where I planned on taking the motorhome to get new tires. They said to bring it in Wednesday morning a few days ago but I wanted to confirm. I didn’t get an answer and the voicemail message said to leave a text, so I did. I started to get dressed while Angel was eating but I couldn’t find my bra. I looked all over the RV. I went to Rita and Val’s and checked the washing machine and dryer in case I left it in there. I couldn’t find it anywhere. Now I was even more frustrated. I guess I would have to go without a bra. I received a text from the tire store saying that the tires were there and to bring the motorhome in. I went in the bedroom and made the bed. Then I couldn’t find my phone. Tracey came in from being outside and I asked him to call my phone. He asked if I had lost it too. I said yes and we laughed about it. He called and my phone was on the floor under the bed.
Tracey drove the motorhome to the tire shop and I followed in my truck. We dropped it off and I drove Tracey home. I was a half hour later than usual picking up Ms. M. I had messaged her husband letting him know. When Angel and I arrived to pick her up, I rearranged stuff in my backseat and found my bra. Yay!
I got Ms. M settled into the truck, we went through the car wash and drove to the Rockdale Reporter to deliver newspapers. The papers hadn’t arrived yet but would be arriving soon. I sat Ms. M up front and said hello to Kyle Cooke in his office. He said he had written an article in the newspaper about me. That came as a surprise. He pulled it up on his computer so I could read it. Ms. M came around the corner and said she needed to use the bathroom. I asked Angel to show her where it was and I would be right there. I read the article and I cried.
I went to the bathrooms to find Ms. M and Angel. Ms. M was still in the bathroom. Angel said she had a sliver in her foot. I looked around for something to get it out with and tried using a pair of scissors. Kyle walked by and said that the man who makes quilts at the back of building would have a needle that might work better. Oh right! I got one from him and removed the sliver. Ms. M was still in the bathroom. I knocked on the door to check on her and she said she was locked in. I tried the door and it was locked. It has a latch on the inside that locks it. I wasn’t sure how I would get her out. I explained to her how to unlock it. She said that it was dark and she couldn’t see anything and she couldn’t find the light switch. I told her how to find the light switch and she found it. Then she was able to see where the latch was and unlocked the door. Perfect!
The newspapers arrived, Angel stayed at the reporter up front with Suzy while I did my route. Ms. M and I listened to music and I cried off and on the whole route thinking about the article Kyle wrote about me. When I delivered the papers to Brookshire Brothers, up front they had spotty bananas bagged up at a discounted price. I’m always on the lookout for spotty bananas because that’s the only way I’ll eat them in my smoothies. When they are spotty their sugar is fully developed from being starch and they are easier to digest. Most people call spotty bananas overripe but I call them perfectly ripe. After putting the newspapers in the stand, I came back in and bought all of the ripe bananas. I will freeze a bunch of them.

I finished my route, picked up Angel and took Ms. M to her house. I called Tracey and talked to him on the way home. When I arrived, Christopher was sitting outside drinking a beer. I told him about the article that Kyle had written. As I was talking I could see Christophers eyes getting watery with tears. I gave him a hug and told him everything was ok. I brought my bananas inside and put fresh water in the pools for the ducks, geese and chickens. Then I opened up the pop-up camper and took more pictures for a guy who was interested in coming to look at it. He said he would come look at it and would be there at around 5:30 PM.
Angel and I went into her room. I sorted through her clothes and she sorted through some of her toys. After a while, we took a break and went to Tracey’s. Tracey and I hugged in greeting. He had tea ready and poured me some. Then we went swimming at the pond. I did a full body relaxation and stretched. We had fun playing and swimming. I showed Angel the different swimming styles and held onto Tracey while he walked me around the pond. Tracey was going to watch Angel for the evening while I went to the board meeting but when we walked back to his Rv he had changed his mind. I immediately felt disappointed because I was thinking it would be difficult for me to take Angel to the board meeting. I could leave her with Christopher but I knew he had been drinking. I sat with the feeling of disappointment on the drive home and it passed quickly. I realized that it wouldn’t be hard at all to take Angel with me. That was just my disappointment talking. It will be fun having her with me and my disappointment transformed into gratitude at the opportunity to spend more time with my delightful child. Any time I get with Angel during her childhood is a blessing. Even if sometimes I feel like I need a break, I don’t really need a break and she is old enough now that she can do her own thing and I don’t have to watch her all the time. She is growing up fast and I cherish the time with her while she’s still a child. Besides, I’m not the kind of person who pawns their child off on other people. She’s my child and I appreciate when other people help out with her but it’s never expected.
At 5:30 PM I arrived back home to meet the guy wanting to buy the pop-up camper. He showed up with another guy. They looked the camper over and pointed out everything wrong with it which I had already told him about. They hemmed and hawed and tried to talk me down. I had already agreed to a discounted price before they got there and had told him then that I wasn’t going any lower. Regardless, they made a good attempt at getting me to go even lower but were unsuccessful. Finally, they decided to buy it. He handed me the money and I gave them the title. I counted the money and it was $100 short. I told him and he counted it again. He reluctantly handed me another hundred. I closed the pop-up camper back up, they hooked it up to their truck and they were off. Yay!
Angel and I left in the truck to go to my last board meeting for the Kay Theater at the Eastbell Taphouse. The meeting had started a half hour ago but I still wanted to go to officially resign. When we arrived, the meeting was almost over. The president of the board had asked me last week what I wanted as a parting gift. I told him to get me a watermelon. He didn’t get a watermelon and handed me a bottle of wine and said I could drink it whenever I started drinking again . I thanked him and accepted it. I always appreciate receiving a gift even if it’s not something I will use. I can always pass it on.
Angel and I hearted (headed) to Bible study at the church. Halfway there I realized I had left my purse at the Taphouse with 2,000 cash in it. I turned around and called the president of the Kay Theater. He answered and said he had my purse and was just about to call me. Great! He was waiting outside and handed it to me when I pulled up. I thanked him and drove to the Cowboy Church.
Tracey was there when we arrived. Angel went with the kids room and I sat next to Tracey in the sanctuary. The Bible study was about spiritual gifts. I enjoyed it. Bits sat on Tracey’s lap and took a nap the whole time. I think he likes Tracey more than me . After Bible study, Tracey and I watched Angel play Gaga ball with the other kids. When the game was over Tracey and I hugged goodbye and I drove home with Angel.
Christopher was still sitting outside drinking beer. I greeted him and went in the house. I cooked some eggs for myself and Angel to eat. Then I made tea and we went to bed in the banana hut. I called Tracey and we said our good nights. I wrote my blog notes and put on an audiobook for Angel. We fell asleep at around 10 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.