Thursday August 25, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4:30 AM. I wrote my blog until 6 AM. I sent Tracey my morning gratitudes and got up to get ready. I went in the house and greeted Christopher. I made a mango/watermelon/fresh pineapple juice smoothie. Then I packed up things to take for an overnight pet sitting opportunity I am pet sitting for my friends Debbie and Carla until August 21st. On August 22nd I will be leaving for Idaho and I’ll be back around September 14.
Angel ate breakfast and got ready. Then we left to go to her horse riding lessons. She was excited about lessons because she was going to learn to jump today. I wrote my blog off and on while I watched her. She did a little jump and did great. She was excited that she had done it. Our next stop was at my pet sitting opportunity. I let in the neighbor dog that hangs out there during the day. I fed all the animals and brought our luggage and food inside. Then we went and picked up Ms. M. I started to take Angel to the splash pad to play with the homeschool co-op kids but then I remembered her swim suit was in her suitcase. I drove back to the pet sitting house and Angel changed into her swimsuit. Then I drove her to the splash pad and dropped her off. My friend Rachele was watching Angel for me since I was going to be meeting up with a man who was interested in buying my Scion.
I drove to Tracey’s and greeted him with a hug. I drove my Scion near the gate and sat with Ms. M outside on the bench swing while waiting for the man that wanted to look at the car. Tracey walked around, watering the trees and pulling down branches on the pear tree so the goats could eat the leaves.
The man arrived with his wife and they immediately bought the Scion. Yay! Tracey, Ms. M and I got in the truck and went to the tire shop in Rockdale, my motorhome was ready to be picked up with new tires on it. Rachele met us at the tire shop and I got Angel from her. I paid for the tires and Tracey drove the motorhome back to his place. He put gas in it, bought new wipers and added wiper fluid. Thank you!! I have officially decided to take the motorhome to Idaho with us when we leave next week on the 22nd. There’s a few things that still need to be done. An oil change, possibly new brake pads and some the plumbing needs fixed. Thankfully, Tracey is helping with all that. Plus I need to get it insured, inspected and registered. Then I still have packing to do. I’m going to fill the motorhome with stuff to take to Idaho. It’s a lot to do in a short amount of time but I’ll get done what I can.
I left the turned shop and took Ms. M to an appointment to get her hair done. Angel and I sat inside the salon while we waited. I finished writing my blog and posted it and Angel played on her phone. Ms. M’s hair appointment took longer than usual and I had a coaching client phone call scheduled that I wouldn’t be able to make. I messaged my client to see if we could move our phone call to a half hour later and she was fine with that. Perfect!
I dropped Ms. M off at her house and drove to my pet sitting opportunity. Angel played on her phone while I did my coaching session phone call. The session went great and as soon as it was finished Tracey arrived. I made us some tea and we played a game of scrabble while Angel continued to play on her phone. She was excited that she was able to connect to wi-fi and she could watch YouTube kids.
When Tracey and I finished scrabble, Angels phone time was over with. We fed the animals. There are 3 longhorns that are friendly. We watched them eat and petted them. Tracey filled up their water and I watered the outside plants. Then we all played a few games of corn hole.
Tracey went home to do some things. While he was gone, I peeled a bunch of bananas and put them in bags in the freezer. Angel watched a horse movie while I wrote my blog and talked to my sister Trish on the phone. Tracey came back and we watched the last of the sunset together. I talked my sister Missy on the phone and figured out where I was going to put my motorhome when I got to Idaho. We put away the chickens for the night and fed the outside cats. Then we walked on some trails in the woods before it got dark. When we came inside we watched an episode of Little House of the Prairie. Tracey gave me a neck and shoulder rub during the show and it felt great. After the show, Angel and I showered while Tracey got the dogs settled in for the night. Angel slept on the couch and Tracey and I slept in one of the guest bedrooms. Tracey and I talked for a while and we went to sleep at around 10:15 PM.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.