Sunday May 26, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke at 3 am and wrote my blog until 5:30 am. I edited and posted it and took a morning nap until 8 am. I got up thinking the ducks, geese and chickens would be itching to get let out but someone had already let them out. Angel ran up to me on my way to the house. She was carrying 2 kittens and told me they had eaten up on the cat feeder for the first time. There was no one in the house when I went in and I made tea and a smoothie. Christopher came in the door and we said our good mornings. While I got ready for church, I practiced the song I was singing during the service today. The song I chose was His Eye is on the Sparrow and it wasn’t easy to sing, I needed a lot of practice. By the time we were heading to church I felt that I knew the song good enough to sing it in front of other people.
At church, I greeted people and talked about things going on in their lives. We had a guest pastor this week and his sermon was fantastic. My song went great and it fit in perfectly with the sermon. The pastor even quoted part of the song, Let Not Your Hearts Be Troubled and He Watches Over Us. The message I received from the sermon was to stand firm in faith and trust God in all things.
After church, I did a farm sitting opportunity outside of Rockdale. I fed their dogs and petted them. I made sure the sheep and chickens had water. I watered the garden and all the plants in the greenhouse. After checked over the list and making sure I had done everything they wanted done, I headed home.

I dropped Angel off at home and grabbed my yoga mat. I drove down the road a couple of miles to my friend Tracy’s to receive a singing bowl healing session. I was looking forward to it. Tracy had everything ready when I arrived and after our initial greetings we got started. I laid on the ground on my yoga mat and Tracy started playing the singing bowls. I prayed for all blockages to be cleared and relaxed fully into the vibration of the music. I allowed my thoughts to come and go and focused on my breathing. All of a sudden, Ragnar a great pyrenees was panting over the top of my face. I reached up and gave him a hug. He swiped his big muddy paw across my face. I pushed his paw away and he swiped my face with his other paw. Another dog that is a catahoula named Oden came and stood over me. I petted Oden with one hand while holding Ragnar paws away with the other hand. I was enjoying the experience of having the dogs around me other than being swiped across the face by muddy paws. Dogs have great energy. Then my arm started getting tired of holding Ragnar’s paws and every time I left go of them, he would swipe my face. Finally I sat up and Tracy saw that I was being swarmed by the dogs. He shooed them away with the water hose and went back to playing the singing bowls. I laid back down and relaxed into the music vibrations again.
When the session ended, Tracy asked which of my chakras I felt needed attention. I said definitely my root chakra. He said he had focused on my root chakra and my heart chakra. Yes, my heart chakra needed attention too. We sat and talked for quite a while. I did most of the talking, sharing about my past. Tracy is a great listener and always has wonderful insights to share. When I was leaving Tracy gave me some neem leaf to try and some seaweed snacks. I offered him a gift of money to thank him for the singing bowl session but he wouldn’t take it. I will gift him something else when the perfect gift is revealed to me.
As soon as I arrived home, Angel wanted to go to swim tank, which is a big spring fed pond on Christopher’s family’s property next to ours. We loaded up LacyJane and Healer in the back of the side-x-side (Christopher kept his dog Jake home with him) and Bits rode up front. To get to swim tank we follow a trail in the barrow next to the highway. Angel likes to get the trucks to honk at us as they pass by on the highway.
The water in Swim tank is really high due to all the rain. We got in and the water felt fantastically fresh and clean. The dogs were super excited to be there and splashed all around chasing each other along the bank. We swam for a while, then I floated on my back out in the middle feeling fully relaxed. I was in a blissful zone until I felt bubbles underneath me. I know what those bubbles mean from previous experiences in swim tank. It means that a fish is about to see what I taste like. I slowly swam toward shore and something nipped me on the back of the leg, either a perch or a bass. It didn’t hurt but I could definitely feel its little sharp teeth. It doesn’t scare me because I know the fish in there are harmless but it does startle me.

I got out and laid in a hammock I keep out there and I promptly fell asleep. I slept for about 45 minutes while Angel played with the dogs along the shore. I slowly woke up and wrote my blog until it was close to dinner time. I had one more quick swim with Angel before we headed home.

Christopher had dinner started when we arrived. I ate a salad and we all shared what we were grateful for. Angel shared a meditation she had recorded on her phone with us. It was really good. After we ate, I did the dishes and brought in the laundry off the line and put it away. Christopher took a shower and when he got done we all gathered in the banana hut for story-time. I read one chapter from Stormy, Misty’s Foal and Angel read some of Fox in Socks. Christopher went in the house and Angel slept in the trundle bed next to me. I read 3 chapters from The National Park Mystery Series book 4. Then I put on a unicorn meditation for Angel to listen to while I wrote my blog. I turned off the light and went to sleep at 10:45 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of our lives. I appreciate your love and support.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.