Monday May 20, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 3 am. I had received a text message last night reminding me to pick out a song to perform for music club tonight. When I saw the message, I had said a quick prayer asking for a song to be revealed to me. The song came to me when I woke up at 3am. The Sweetest Gift, a Mothers Smile was a song I had memorized in high school and I had forgotten all about it until now. I looked up a karaoke version of it and downloaded it.
I wasn’t able fall asleep again right away so I did a full body relaxation and fell asleep at around 4:30 am. I woke up again at 5:30 am. I really wanted to sleep longer but it was time to get up. I let all the dogs out, fed them and made tea and a smoothie. I cooked Angel some waffles for breakfast and woke her up to eat and get ready. I’ve found, it’s best to have food ready for Angel to eat right away when she gets up. She wakes up hangry 😂. She ate her breakfast and got dressed.
When we left, the yorkies stayed in the house with Bits and Sofia. Chance stayed outside to guard the house. My first cleaning opportunity was out near my house and I drove home first to drop Angel off with Christopher. When we arrived, Christopher told us that we had a new baby goat. Angel and I ran out to the goats and there was MayMay with her little baby. It was born yesterday evening. We went in the goat pen and I picked up the baby goat. It was squirmy but I thought I saw that it was a girl (I found out later it’s a boy). Angel held the baby goat a few minutes and we named her Spring. MayMay was wanting her baby back so Angel put it down it ran to its mom and started nursing. In the house I sang the song that I’m singing for music club to Christopher. He was busy making breakfast and getting ready to go to the lumber yard.
I headed out to clean houses. I had 3 houses to clean today. I enjoying listening to The Secret of the Golden Flower while cleaning my first house. I also practiced the song I was performing tonight, I was not confident in singing it yet. I wanted to get some feedback and practice singing it in front of audience before performing it tonight. So I sent my friend Tracy a message asking if I could come by and sing it really quick. His place was nearby and he always has great insights and wisdom to share. He said “sure”, so when I finished up I stopped by there for a few minutes. I sang the song and we chatted briefly before I headed to my next cleaning opportunity. I had just started cleaning when Tracy sent me a text reminding me that singing stirs up emotions in a beautiful way and that I am adding to people lives where it matters most, on the inside, by sharing the song I chose to sing. He hoped that would help with my nervousness and give me more confidence. It sure did, I immediately remembered my purpose of being a blessing to others and the nervousness I was feeling transformed into confidence. It wasn’t about how “good” I sang the song but about the energy I would be sharing. I was grateful for the reminder to go deeper than the surface.
I listened to beautiful music while I cleaned my next 2 houses and they went by quickly. None of my cleaning clients were home today and even though I love taking with my clients when they are at home, it is also nice to be able to be in a state of meditation while cleaning. Cleaning is very healing and meditative for me. That’s why I love doing it.

When I finished all my houses, I stopped in at Moon Brew and bought a salad. As always there were several of my friends there and I chatting with them. Tracy and Rita’s son was there and I told him I had been texting with his dad. He said his dad was a good and wise one and I agreed. I left Moon Brew and drove around picking up checks from businesses before going to my pet sitting house. When I arrived, the dogs were all excited to see me. I greeted Chance and let all the little dogs out. Bits gets so excited to see me that he starts screeching and jumping all around. Dogs are good at showing their love fully and uninhibited. I got all the dogs settled in, then I called Christopher to check on the baby goat. Christopher informed me that the goat is a boy not a girl and he’s doing good. Angel was on the phone too and she said she wanted the baby goats new boy name to be Rain. I thought that was a great name. Welcome Rain.
I sat on the couch and wrote my blog until it was time to get ready to go to music club. I quickly showered and fed the dogs. I stopped at the store to get juice on the way and arrived early to help set up. We all ate and had a short meeting before the program started. The program theme was Mother and everyone performed a song or read a poem. It was an emotional program because we tend to hold our mothers close to our hearts. There were lots of tears and lots of laughter. It was a wonderful time of sharing and connection. When it was my turn to perform, I said “no matter what kind of relationship we have with our mother, a mother’s smile is always a blessing” and I sang my song The Sweetest Gift, a Mothers Smile.
The program ran late and didn’t get finished until 9:30 pm. I helped clean up and went home to my pet sitting house. I put the yorkies to bed in their bedtime crate and Chance to bed in his room. Bits and Sofia went to bed with me. I edited and posted my blog and went to sleep at around 11 pm.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P.S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.