Thursday April 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 6 AM. I did not want to get up. I felt so tired. I wanted to skip riding lessons and sleep longer but last night I had messaged our riding lesson instructor and confirmed that we going to be there. I forced myself to get up out of bed and woke up Angel. We got dressed and went downstairs. I fed Angel breakfast, made tea and packed up the smoothie I had prepared yesterday. It was my last night of overnight pet sitting so I stripped the bedding and started it in the wash. I got all of my stuff together and put it in the truck. I left some food in the fridge that I would pick up later today when I came back to return their gate remote control.
It was a beautiful drive to riding lessons. I took back roads that I hadn’t been on for a while. Spring is so beautiful in Texas. Wildflowers are everywhere and everything is so green. When we arrived at riding lessons I was feeling really tired. I had been feeling tired since I woke up. I just wanted to watch Angel do her lessons and not even do my lessons. The last time we did lessons was before I went to Utah, so it had been a while ago. That was the lesson where the horse I was riding took off at a lope and wouldn’t stop and ended up running into the back of Angel’s horse. It had scared me and I didn’t want to face my fear and get back on a horse. Honestly, I never wanted to ride a horse again, plus I was tired and knew I wasn’t at my best. I faced my fear anyway and thankfully they put me on their gentlest horse. I walked the horse through most of the lesson. We got up to a small trot but I was just fine walking. I made the excuse that my legs were tired, which was true but it wasn’t the whole truth. The truth was, I was scared and at that moment I didn’t want to admit that to myself or the instructors. Finally the lessons were over and I was happy to get off of the horse. Next week I’ll face my fear again and maybe I’ll be brave enough to get the horse into a lope.

After riding lessons, I picked up my grandson Finn and then Ms. M and we went to homeschool co-op. I was still feeling really tired. I’m not sure why I was so tired. I’d been sleeping through the night and had even been taking little naps everyday. When we walked into the co-op, the singing lessons had just started. The kids sat up front and I sat on the couch with Ms. M. Next thing I knew, I woke up and was surrounded by kids getting ready for story time. I had fallen asleep for about 20 minutes and boy did I feel much better. That 20 minutes had completely revived me. Ms. M was still sitting there next to me and the mom doing story time did a great job. She was very animated and great fun. She kept pausing to ask the kids questions. Angel was the one answering them all and not giving the other kids a chance 😂.

After story time, the kids did a craft creating a solar eclipse. The mom that set that up also did a great job and it was really creative of her to think up that craft right before the actual solar eclipse was about to happen. After craft time, the kids all went outside to play. There were a lot of kids there, I counted 25 but they were all running around so I might be off a couple of numbers. While they played, us moms planned out a camping trip in June for our homeschool group. We don’t do the homeschool co-op in the summer and this year we plan to do a camping trip once a month in June, July and August. I’ll be gone in August for a month to go to Idaho so I’ll probably miss that month. I might not leave until mid August and stay to mid September. Last year when I got back to Texas at the end of August, it was bleak. There had been a drought all summer and everything was brown and dry, the reservoirs were all dried up and it was still miserably hot. I wanted to turn around and go back to Idaho, where the weather had been wonderful and there was an abundance of ice cold crystal clear water to play in. This year if there is another drought this summer, I will leave later in August so when I get back it will be closer to when it starts cooling off in Texas.
When the co-op was over, I took Ms. M to her house and headed home. On the way I stopped at a garage sale in Milano. Twice a year there is a huge sale put on by the Milano volunteer fire department ladies auxiliary and there is always tons of stuff there. I wanted to see if there were any camping cots for sale. As soon as I walked in I saw 2 camping cots. Perfect! I got those and the kids each got a toy. I saw some friends there and looked around some but didn’t see much of anything else I wanted.
When we arrived home, the kids ate lunch and ran off to play. I unpacked everything I had brought to the pet sitting job and set up the cots to make sure they worked. Then I messed around in the yard. I filled up the kiddie pools with clean water for the ducks and geese. Then I got out Angel’s summer swimming pool, cleaned it out and started filling it with water. She saw what I was doing and brought out a splash pad she had gotten for her birthday. I set it up for the kids while they got their swimming suits on. Then I sat with Christopher watching the kids play while I wrote my blog. I was way behind on my blog from all the TV watching I had done the past 3 days.

At 5 PM, I took Finn home and went to town to clean an office building. When I finished, I drove to where I had been pet sitting to get my food out of the fridge and drop off their gate remote. It was good to see my friends and they had enjoyed their vacation. They were happy their animals were well taken care of and paid me extra, which was very generous and I thanked them. We stood outside talking until it started getting dark outside. I hadn’t meant to stay so long.
When I arrived home, I took a quick bath that Christopher had ready. Then I said good night to Christopher and Angel and went to bed. I fell right to sleep at around 10 PM.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.