Monday March 11, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 12:00 AM, I’d had a dream that I had lost Angel at the airport. It had been pretty intense. To get my mind off of it, I wrote my blog until 2:30 AM. I went back to sleep and woke up again at 6 AM. This time I’d had a dream that I was traveling and hanging out with different raw food people at different retreats. When suddenly I realized I was only a couple hours from my sister Trisha’s house in Idaho. I drove there with a friend to surprise her, but she wasn’t home. I had a key to get in and it was late at night. So we went in and went to sleep. In the morning my sister came home, she had been out of town overnight. As I heard her come in, I went out and greeted her. At first I scared her, then she was really happy to see me. It had been a good dream.
I prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes:
- I am grateful for Angel who is nine years old today. Thank you for the gift, such a bright and energetic child
- I am grateful for spring. Thank you for the different seasons and the gifts they bring.
- I am grateful for Red the rooster. Thank you for his morning call that reminds me to greet the day.
I got up, made my bed and let the chickens out before going into the house. I greeted Christopher when I came in the door and fed the dogs, made tea and smoothies. Christopher went to the banana hut to wake up Angel. He carried her into the house and set her down to eat breakfast. I greeted her and told her happy birthday. She is 9 years old today. After she ate her breakfast she opened the presents Christopher had bought her. He got her new pedals and a new chain for her bicycle and wooden Native American beads. My presents to her were horse riding camp which she would go to every day this week and durian. Since, Christopher didn’t work today, he would be taking her to camp this morning and I would be picking her up. The last house I cleaned today was not very far from the horse camp.
I gave Angel and Christopher a goodbye kiss and headed out to clean. I had 3 houses today and they were all on the backroads. I listened to a talk by Michael Singer while I cleaned the first house and I enjoyed cleaning. On the way to the 2nd house, I drove slowly on the back road and had a wonderful time looking at all of the beautiful wild flowers. I came to a big patch of bluebonnets and got out with Little Bit to look at them and take pictures. Spring is heavenly in Texas. Spring and fall are my favorite times of year in Texas.
My client was home at my 2nd house. She is usually at work when I come to clean and it was great to see her. I have such wonderful clients and I am grateful for that. We had a great talk about choosing the food that we know is best for ourselves. Each one of us knows what foods make us feel good and which foods don’t make us feel good. There are many reasons why we chose foods that don’t make us feel good such as emotional eating, convenience, habits, taste, etc. When we decide to chose the foods that make us thrive more and more we get better and better at it. Whatever we practice we will get better at and the more we chose to thrive the more we will not settle for less. How do we break bad habits? We chose to not do them no matter what. When I quit smoking cigarettes years ago, I craved a cigarette for 6 months but I refused to put one to my mouth and light it. Then, not smoking became a habit and the desire went away. The emotions that I had avoided with cigarettes came up. I learned to be ok with those emotions and be present with them and allow them to be felt. Using food or drugs or distractions or whatever to hide from our painful emotions only creates more pain. Being present with them, praying for guidance and fully feeling them, without acting on them, brings peace of mind and clarity on how to heal. Then we are able to move forward from a place of love.

At my last house, I had fun conversations with my clients while I cleaned. They are very kind and thoughtful people and I enjoy them. When I finished their house, I drove to pick up Angel. She was excited to see me and tell me about her day. She was also really hungry and had eaten all of her lunch. As soon as we got home, i greeted Christopher and started my cleaning cloths in the laundry. Then I made Angel some homemade applesauce to eat. While it was blending in the food processor, I got the durian out that I had put in the fridge Saturday to thaw out. Angel was excited, she had forgotten about the durian. I opened it up and all three of us shared it. It wasn’t that great of one but it was still good. It had some hard pieces that I gave to the dogs, they all liked it except Little Bit. Little Bit doesn’t know the good stuff.

It was a nice day and we all sat outside enjoying the weather. I filled up the ducks kiddie pools and watched them play in the water. Then, I read aloud A Wrinkle in Time to Angel and Christopher when all of a sudden my eyes wouldn’t stay open anymore. I put down the book and fell instantly asleep. I slept hard for about an hour until Christopher woke me up saying dinner was ready. I hadn’t realized that I had been so tired. We ate supper and I took a bath with Angel. Then we jumped on the trampoline. While we were jumping I saw our dog LacyJane go into the chicken coop. We have only been getting about 3 eggs a day and we have 13 chickens. Either they are laying somewhere else or something is getting the eggs. I had a feeling it might be LacyJane. I watched her for a while to see what she did in there. She checked the nesting box and ate some of the chicken feed. I went over there and she came slinking out looking guilty. I scolded her and she slinked off to the other side of the yard. She does not like getting in trouble. I went in the house to tell Christopher about LacyJane going into the chicken coop. I shared an idea I had about creating a small door in the side of the coop that we could open and close. We could make it big enough for the chickens but too small for LacyJane to get into. Then we could keep the big door closed. Christopher liked the idea and it might solve the mystery of the missing eggs.
We all gathered in the banana hut and I read aloud A Wrinkle in Time and finished Hank the Cowdogbook 10. Then we all said our good nights and went to bed. Angel slept on the trundle bed next to me and we fell asleep at around 9 PM listening to a Bobbsey Twins audiobook.
Here is a fun text I received from my sister Missy yesterday that I wanted to share with you. She sent me a picture and said: “Mowed through all that fruit and veg so had to make another run to the store…your evil influence continues. 😉 Feel amazing by the way. So much more energy and my workout today felt really good. My blood sugar also seems to be stabilizing and I’m not struggling with cravings the same way.”

Thank you for reading my blog, and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
P. S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.