Wednesday March 6, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 2:30 a.m. to Fluffy the cat meowing at the window to be let in. I hadn’t seen her since I heard the cat screaming the night before and I was glad she was ok. Having farm cats, you can’t get too attached because they disappear quite often, but we are all really attached to Fluffy. Thankfully she sticks close to home. I let her in and wasn’t able to fall back asleep, so I wrote my blog until 4 a.m. I still wasn’t falling back asleep so I listened to a guided meditation and fully relaxed my body. That did the trick and as soon as I started drifting off, Fluffy started meowing to go out. Ok cat…make up your mind. I let her out and was able to officially fall back asleep at around 5 a.m. I had a fun dream about LacyJane and woke up at 6:05 a.m. I had planned to leave that morning at 6:30 a.m. to clean one of the 2 churches I had to clean this week. Since I had slept late, that wasn’t going to happen this morning but I was fine with it since I had until Sunday morning to get them done. I woke Angel up and jumped 100 rebounder jumps. Angel went in the house, I let the chickens out of their coop and joined her. I greeted Christopher, fed the dogs, made lime tea and made two 64 oz. smoothies. Angel got ready to go and we headed to town. Little Bit stayed home since it would be too hot for him to stay in the car during my afternoon job.
I arrived at my first house right on time. Before going inside I received a text message from my sister Missy who I had just visited in Tucson. She sent me an image of her counter top full of fruit and said “My back felt so good today I thought I’d keep eating all this fruit and veg so look what you made me do”. Yay! I had just been telling Christopher this morning before I left how much I enjoy being a good influence. I commented back to Missy, “L O L I’m glad I’m a good influence 😊”.
Angel did her school work while I cleaned. I had fun conversations with my clients and enjoyed cleaning. I did extra by cleaning behind their washer and dryer and moving them around to get under them. Angel finished her workbook on the “long u sound” and earned a movie. I told her she could get a dvd at the library when we go there for story-time and I would check with my afternoon client to see if they had a dvd player she could use to watch it while I cleaned their house. She thought that was a great idea.
We picked up Ms. M and went to the library for story-time. Before story-time started, I called my afternoon client to see if they had a dvd player Angel could use to watch a movie when I came to clean that afternoon. She said they did, Angel was excited about that and picked out a dvd. She also picked out a book to read to the younger kids. Story-time started and was led by 2 teenage girls that are homeschooled. When the teenagers finished reading to the kids, Angel read “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” to them. Then all the kids did a craft.

After story-time, we picked up newspapers at the Rockdale reporter and I delivered them to the businesses in town. We listened to a Bobbsey Twin book while I did my deliveries. My route went quickly, it goes a lot faster when the newspapers arrive early and I can get them delivered before the lunch rush. When I finished, I took Ms. M home and went to clean my last house.
I was feeling hungry and tired when I arrived. I had finished both of my smoothies and was out of food. My clients husband got Angel set up to watch her dvd. She had picked out a The Land Before Timemovie which is one of her favorites. I got started cleaning and did an extra good job getting behind and under things. When I finished, I talked with my clients and for a while. She’d had a really stressful day and shared some of what she had experienced. We talked for a while and her day seemed to be getting better and I was glad. She gave Angel a stuffed horse which Angel was excited about getting. Angel named it Wild Pony but later on she changed its name to Wild Star.
When we left, we went and got something to eat for take out. I was really hungry and ordered a large salad. Then we went to the park and ate. I didn’t think the salad would be enough to satisfy my hunger but it did and I couldn’t even finish it all. Angel played on the playground equipment in between eating until it was time to leave to go to yoga.

Yoga class was fantastic. It felt so good to stretch my body. Angel played with toys and ran around while we did the class. At the end when during the corpse pose, I fell fast asleep. I woke up when everyone was rolling up their mats. That short little 5 minute nap had felt great. As I was leaving, I talked with Cheri my yoga instructor and she mentioned not having anyone to cover yoga classes for her when she couldn’t be there. I told her that I would love to do that if she would train me. I’d been feeling called to teach yoga for quite a while and was excited for this opportunity. She seemed very open to the idea and said we could possibly do that. Yay! Yay!

Next, we went to the cowboy church for Bible study. Angel went off with the kids and a lady gave me some homeschool books that her daughter had given her. Before Bible study started, I saw a friend that I hadn’t seen in a while. I greeted her and listened while she shared with me some really hard things that she has been dealing with the past month or so. Then it was time for Bible study to start and I found my seat.
Bible study was inspiring. Gay Marburger is an amazing teacher and I got a lot out of it. She talked about shining our light, which is what I love to do. I am filled with the Holy Spirit when I shine my light. I took notes so I could share them with y’all. At the end of Bible study during prayer requests, a man shared some really personal things happening in his family. We all laid our hands on him and prayed for him. Then my friend shared her personal family struggles, we laid our hands on her and prayed for her. It was powerful and we were all blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit.

After Bible study, Angel wanted to invite her friend to her birthday party on March 16th. He was leaving so I figured we could invite him next week. Then as we were getting into the truck I remembered that there wasn’t Bible study next week for spring break. I saw that the car he had gotten in was still there, so I pulled up next to it and talked to his mom about him coming to Angel’s party. She said she wasn’t sure what their schedule would be and we exchanged numbers so she could let me know.
We arrived home at 8:45 p.m. I was tired, it had been a long day. Christopher was not home, he was in the woods with his friends. Little Bit was excited to see us as well as LacyJane and Healer. I unloaded the truck and loaded up items we needed for the art project I was leading for homeschool co-op tomorrow. As I was putting away the things I had unloaded from the truck, I pulled a full smoothie jar out of my soft cooler. I had thought I had drank both of my smoothies. No wonder I had been so hungry earlier. I could have sworn I had drank both smoothies but obviously I didn’t. I put the smoothie in the fridge to drink tomorrow. I started my cleaning cloths washing, washed dishes, cleaned the stove and took a quick shower with Angel. We went straight to bed and fell asleep around 9:30 p.m. listening to a Bobbsey Twins audiobook.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.
This blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.