Monday March 4, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 2:45 a.m. I guess I wasn’t going to sleep until 3:30 a.m. First thing I noticed when I woke up was inflammation in my hands. Those corn chips! I got up and drank a big glass of fresh juice and made lime tea extra strong, with three limes to help clear up the inflammation. I stripped the bedding and started it in the wash so Missy wouldn’t have to do it after we left. I finished packing and was enjoying having the quiet of the early morning to myself. I prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes:
- I am grateful for mornings. Thank you for a new day.
- I am grateful for airplanes. Thank you for an easy was to travel long distances.
- I am grateful for new experiences. Thank you for the freedom I have to go visit new places.
I woke Angel up at around 3:45 a.m. She got up right away and got ready to go. She ate applesauce and toast and I had a smoothie. At 4:15 a.m. I checked to see if Missy was up since we needed to leave by 4:45 a.m. and she was driving us to the airport. She was up and got ready. Little Bit was sticking close to me, he knew I was getting ready to go and was afraid I would leave him again. He’s used to going with me everywhere and when I can’t take him with me, he’s usually left with another person. Yesterday he was left without a person but at least he had been Missy’s dogs and not all alone. I assured him that he was going with me and he was excited when I put him in the car as we were about to leave, then he knew for sure he wasn’t going to be left behind. We left right on time and Missy let Angel listen to a Bobbsey Twins audiobook on the drive. I fell asleep for about 45 minutes of the drive and I was glad I had gotten a little more sleep before getting to the airport.
Everything went smoothly at the airport. We had fun conversations with people while we waited in lines and going through security was a breeze. I could feel the inflammation in my hands was almost gone and I was grateful for that. My juice and tea protocol had done its job. We arrived at our gate and had plenty of time before it was time to start loading. We walked around the terminal looking at things and got snacks to take on the plane. When they started loading the plane, we waited until we were the last ones to get on. I like getting on last. The less time I have to sit on the plane, the better. It’s crazy to me that people pay extra to get on the plane first. I would pay extra to get on last 😂, I prefer to be crammed into that tiny space the least amount of time possible.
When we found our seats, they were the aisle seat and the middle seat. Angel had a complete meltdown about not having a window seat. She cried and carried on. The young man with the window seat was ignoring her, thankfully. I talked to her calmly about being ok with what is and told her that she needed to pull herself together because under no circumstances was this behavior appropriate on an airplane full of people. Amazingly, she did calm down and started working on her activity book. I fell asleep snd napped for about 45 minutes. When I woke up Angel had made friends with the little boy in the seat in front of us. She was giving him some of her miniature dinosaurs she had brought with her. She looked over at me and said, “it feels good to give to other people”. Yes! I was delighted that she had discovered this. It’s an important discovery! The rest of the flight, the little boy and her traded giving each other their toys and it was fun to watch. Angel had forgotten all about not getting a window seat and was happily sharing her toys that she usually wouldn’t give to anyone. It was a good flight and even better because I didn’t get motion sickness and the inflammation in my hands was completely gone. I actually felt really really good.
The plane landed and unloaded right away. It felt good to be off of the plane and stretch my legs. While waiting for our luggage to arrive, we took Little Bit outside to pee and he had to go a lot. He does so well on airplanes. He doesn’t make a sound and surprisingly is happy to stay in his kennel. Even when going through security and I have to take him out of his kennel, I have to practically pry him out because he wants to stay in. He feels safe in there from all the airport activity.
Our suitcase arrived without incident and we got on the shuttle bus that took us to our truck. When we got in our truck, I was hungry and searched for a juice bar along our route home. I found one a half hour away that looked good and drove straight there. I ordered a green juice and a smoothie; Angel ordered an apple juice and a smoothie. I drank both my juice and smoothie shortly after getting back on the road. I had been so hungry. There were 2 more hours of driving I had to do until we got home and I was starting to get tired. I drove for an hour until I was having trouble staying awake. I pulled over at a gas station, got gas and walked around a few minutes. Thankfully, I felt much better after that and easily drove the rest of the way home.
When we arrived home, I greeted Christopher and he helped unload the truck. I brought everything in the house and talked to Christopher while I cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, unpacked the suitcase and started a bath. While the bath was filling, I looked around outside and took pictures of the dogs and chickens. It was good to see the animals and my banana hut. The banana hut was nice and clean inside just like I’d left it and it smelled so good. When my bath was ready, I made a big smoothie and got in it. I washed myself down with a new soap that Missy had given me as a gift. It smelled like roses which is one of my favorite scents. I soaked in the bath a long time and when I got out, I laid down in the banana hut and fell asleep. I woke up again at 10 p.m. to the sound of an owl screeching and then hooting. I went outside and looked around. All seemed well so I laid back down and wrote my blog until 2:30 a.m. I was just starting to fall back asleep when I heard a cat scream in the distance. I went outside and called for our cats Fluffy and Socks. They didn’t come. I hoped they were ok and I crawled back into bed and fell asleep around 3 a.m.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.