February 7, 2024
I woke up at 5:30 a.m. I had slept through the night and I felt like I could sleep longer. My headache was gone though and I wrote my blog until 6:30 a.m. I quickly made my bed and went next door. I greeted Christopher and Angel and made tea and a smoothie. I managed to be ready to leave with Angel at 7 a.m. We arrived at my first house to clean right on time. Angel did her schoolwork while I cleaned. She did much better today staying focused and cooperating. By the time I finished cleaning she had completed all of her lessons for the day.
Next, I picked up Ms. M and we went to the library for story time. We were there early, we checked out Hank the Cowdog book 9 since we had finished book 8. Angel picked out a book to read to the little kids when story time started and Ms. M did a word search puzzle. When story time started, Angel read her book first. I love that she is interested in reading to the little kids, it’s giving her motivation to keep improving her reading skills.
When story time was over, we all went to the Rockdale Reporter to deliver the weekly newspaper. I chatted with my friends that work there until the papers arrived. Then Ms. M came with me to do the deliveries and Angel stayed at the Reporter to play on her leap pad. The deliveries went well. I had fun conversations with friends that I came across while doing my route. I really enjoy delivering the papers and it works out well to take Ms. M along with me. She likes going and seeing the town as I drive from place to place.
When my route was finished, I stopped and picked up some free grapes a friend had for me. It was a whole bunch of grapes. It was 37 containers of grapes. I loaded them up in the bed of the truck and decided I would not be going to Bible study that evening like I had planned. Instead, I would be juicing grapes. I took Ms. M home and went to clean another house. My clients were home and I had a some wonderful conversations with the lady of the house, which I feel I have become friends with. I really enjoy talking with her because she talks about her inner work and is down to earth. I really enjoy talking about inner work and emotional health. To me, that is the important stuff. I can talk the weather with anyone but it’s not satisfying like talking about how to grow and expand and heal and enjoy life despite our struggles. She gave me some great perspectives on a few things I am undecided about. She also played with Angel while I cleaned, which Angel loved. I am grateful to have such wonderful clients and I shared some grapes with her.
When I arrived home, my grandson Finn came over to stay the night. His other grandma dropped him off and I gave her some grapes to take home. Christopher wasn’t home, he was spending the evening with his friends in the woods. I started a load of laundry, checked on Fluffy who seemed to be doing a little bit better and started a bath. Then I began juicing grapes while I kids played outside. I juiced for an hour, then took a break for 20 minutes and took a bath. I talked to my friend Sarah while I bathed. Then I went back to juicing. The kids came in for dinner. I made a quick dinner for them while still running the juicer. After they ate, the kids got in the bath. I finished up juicing right after they got of the bath and put on their pj’s, at around 8 p.m. I had used up all of my 64 oz. jars (7 of them) and figured that was a good stopping place. That gave me 3 1/2 gallons of juice. Now I have 6 days to drink it all before it goes bad. It will happen. Grape juice cleanse here I come! I used 13 of the 37 grape containers. I fit 8 containers on in the fridge to eat and freeze. Now what to do with the rest? I asked in anyone in my homeschool co-op wanted any and made a post on Facebook. Thankfully I got a good response and will deliver them tomorrow. Grapes are amazing and very cleansing, free grapes are even more amazing and I’m happy to pass on the abundance. If you want to do some deep cleansing, grapes are the way to go. They are an antioxidant and support heart health and immune function and most of all, they heal the digestive system. They also prevent diseases and cancer. Yay for grapes! 🍇

After I cleaned up the kitchen, the kids and I cuddled in the banana hut and I read them 3 children’s books. It got me thinking that I want to read Angel more of her children’s books along with Hank the Cowdog. She has a whole lot of children’s books that we haven’t been reading. I didn’t read Hank the Cowdog tonight because I didn’t want Christopher to miss any. It’s what we read as a family. I got the kids settled in the trundle bed and we fell asleep at around 9:00 p.m. listening to The Bobbsey Twins.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.