December 8, 2023
I woke up at 6:00 a.m. I went in the house and cuddled up with Christopher for a while. Then I came back out to the banana hut and wrote my blog. I realized that I hadn’t prayed my thanksgivings and gratitudes yesterday. I prayed today’s right away.
- Thank you for the gift of writing. I really enjoy it.
- I am grateful for this day. Thank you for another day.
- Thank you for prayer. I am grateful for the peace it brings.
- Thank you for choice. I am grateful to walk my own path.
- Thank you for Christopher. He is a gift.
Today I planned to stay home all day. Christopher came out to the banana hut and told me he was leaving for work. I went in the house. The kids were finishing up their breakfast and headed outside to play. I had a lot of food prep that I wanted to get done and I started on it right away. I made a big batch of guacamole. Ground up wheat berries for bread and started a couple loaves rising in the over. Then I made a gallon and a half of juice…grape/pumpkin juice; orange/grape/pumpkin juice and watermelon/grape/pumpkin juice. I also had a half gallon of almond milk. I wasn’t sure how the pumpkin would taste but I wanted to use it up. It surprisingly tasted good mixed in with other juices.

The kids came in from playing and wanted a snack. I cut up a bunch of watermelon for them. They grabbed a few pieces and back outside they went. I cleaned up in the kitchen and hung up laundry. Then I started working on a project in the hoop-house. All of our gray water from our kitchen goes directly into the hoop-house but it all collects in a big puddle. I was searching for my pickaxe to create a trough down the middle but I could not find the one I left by the hoop-house. I found another one that worked but was still searching for the lost one when Christopher came home. I asked him about it, he went outside and found it right away near the hoop-house. I laughed, I must have overlooked it several times.

I made lunch for the kids and conversed with Christopher while they ate. The kids had made an obstacle course and wanted us to watch them do it. We sat out in the lawn chairs and watched the show. I took a video of them doing it and it we had a lot of laughs. My sister had bought Angel some moccasins for Christmas and we wanted to make sure they fit with enough time to return them. So I got them out and Angel tried them on. They fit just right and Angel loved them. Then I went in the banana hut to clean it up and get it organized after the Christmas wrapping explosion. I pulled out the rebounder now that I had room for it again and did 100 jumps. Then my sister called and we talked briefly about Angels boots. She was glad they fit and that Angel liked them. Christopher came in and we sat chatting until the kids informed us that they wanted to go on a walk in the woods.

I did a few chores then we walked to the gulley with the dogs. Angel climbed along the edge while my grandson watched. He wanted nothing to do with climbing along the edge. He’s 4 years younger than Angel and isn’t a daredevil like her, at least not yet 😂. When we got back home, the kids watched movies in Angel’s room. I decided to clean out our A-frame greenhouse. We have 2 greenhouses, the hoop-house and the A-frame. The hoop-house we will take off the plastic in the summer but the a-frame we leave covered year round and only put plants in it in the winter. The rest of the year it seems to become a storage shed. Needles to say, it requires being cleaned out before it is plant ready. I was excited to get it organized, as I love to organize things. I didn’t get before and after pictures but it looked great when I finished. A cold front is coming Sunday and I was grateful to have the greenhouse ready to go.

When I finished, I put up Solar string lights around the porch of the banana hut that my mom had send us for Christmas. She wanted us to open them and put them up before Christmas. Then Christopher and I put up a Solar spot light at the outdoor bathtub. When we finished, I took a nice long bath, enjoying the banana leaves above me while they lasted. We still hadn’t had a freeze and the banana plants are going strong. When I got out the kids got in. It was dark enough that we got to see how the solar light worked. It worked great and it’s a motion sensor light so it doesn’t have to be turned on and off. I went to check out my string lights at the banana hut and they worked great too. I took a picture to send to my mom.

The kids got out of the bath and we all ate supper. We all shared what we were grateful for. Our grandson loves sharing what he’s grateful for when he stays with Papa and Grammy. He was staying another night so he could go to the Christmas parade with us in the morning. After supper, we cleaned up and met up in the banana hut. I read out loud Hank the Cowdog book 4 and finished the book. Christopher carried our sleeping grandson in the house to sleep with him and Angel slept with me in the banana hut on the trundle bed. I introduced her to The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis and we fell asleep listening to it on audio at around 8 p.m.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I dearly appreciate you.