Dear Diary and Friends,
Yesterday I woke up at 4am. I went in the banana hut, read and meditated. I fell back asleep around 5:30am. I woke up again at 6:45am. I started a bath. Then I went in the house and hugged Christopher good morning. I drank 16oz. of fresh squeezed OJ and soaked in the bath. I love my outdoor bathtub! I meditated while I soaked, enjoying being in the moment and listening to the birds.
I spent the morning weeding the garden and harvested tomatoes. I made a big batch salsa and canned it. I also made a big batch of granola but I burned it a little. Around 11am my 2 year old grandson Finn came over to spend the day. Finn and Angel played in the banana hut coloring and playing with blocks. I made them a “milkshake” out of frozen bananas, cinnamon and coconut water. I went out to the garden and talked to my mom on the phone while I harvested cow peas.
Christopher came home from work right as I was finishing up. I went inside, made the kids lunch and started some homemade bread rising. I made me a 64oz. banana “milkshake”. Then I sat outside with Christopher drinking my smoothie while we shelled cow peas, while Angel and Finn played with the outside toys. We sat shelling peas for a couple of hours talking about this or that. My 21 year old daughter Savana came over and sat with us. After a while she left saying we were boring. I guess she didn’t like the Victoria and Christopher shelling peas show, hahaha.
When we finished shelling peas, I started a bath and walked down to get the mail. I got in the bath and soaked for a while, then Angel and Finn joined me. We had a fun bath together. For supper I had a big salad with lemon tahini dressing. The kids and Christopher had brown rice and quinoa along with a salad. After supper I read the kids stories. Then Finn went home. Christopher and I went to the banana hut and had fun hanging out for an hour or so. Then we went in the house. I did stretching and yoga with Angel. Then we went to bed. I read for a while I fell asleep early around 8pm.
I was another wonderful day. I am grateful.
Thank y’all for reading my blog and being a part of my life.
Love and joy,