I woke at 1am. I went in the banana hut and read. I fell back asleep at 2am listening to an audiobook. I woke again at 5:24am. I wrote my blog, then got up and started a bath in the outdoor bathtub. I went in the house, made herbal tea, woke Angel up and said good morning to Christopher. Then I took a bath and practiced mindful breathing. When I got out I made a 64oz. mango and fresh OJ smoothie. I packed that smoothie and the other blended watermelon smoothie left over from yesterday in the little cooler to take to work. On the way to work I dropped Angel off at a friends house to go swimming at the lake for the day. She was super excited.
At work, I had a great talk with my client and enjoyed my work. When I finished, i drank my watermelon smoothie as I drove to the library to print some things. It’s the first time I’ve been to the library since it opened up again. It was so nice going in there. I love libraries. I had a great talk with a couple of the librarians. I am excited that they are starting Storytime again in the fall. Angel will love that. After leaving the library I went to clean a church. It’s a beautiful little church and I love making it sparkly clean.
Next I went to the store and bought groceries. Then I went to my last job of the day. I had a great talk with that client. I really enjoy my work. I drank my mango smoothie as I worked. It was so yummy! When I finished work, I headed home. At home, I talked to Christopher a little bit, then I put a clear coat of paint on a little wooden table that I want to use outside. Then I went for a walk in the woods with Remy. I had just started walking when I got a text that it would be time to pick up Angel in an hour. I walked a little while longer, the woods are so amazing and beautiful. I went practiced gratitude and mindful breathing while I walked.
When I got back home I went to get Angel. I took the back roads and enjoyed the incredible scenery. This part of Texas is called the “post oak savannah” and it is amazingly beautiful. I arrived to get Savana at the perfect time just as they got home. Angel had a great time and we listened to kids music on the way home.
Back at home I made grits and French toast for supper. It was good but I missed having my vegetables. It’s ok for a once in a while thing plus my homemade bread is so yummy. (I can only do bread in small amounts once in a while or I don’t feel well. I only eat bread made by me or my husband that has only 4 ingredients and is made with good fresh ground organic flour). After supper we cleaned up, swept the floor, brushed our teeth and tucked Angel into bed.
Christopher and I made chamomile tea and went in the banana hut. We talked, gave each other foot massages, drank our tea and shared our love. Then we went back in the house, read and went to bed.
It was a wonderful day. I am grateful.
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Love and blessings,Victoria