Playing in the Snow: yesterday’s day, what I ate and morning meditation notes: Love is My True Nature

I woke up at 3am. I went to the banana hut, wrote my blog and meditated until 7:30am. Then I went to the house and greeted Christopher and Angel. I made a 64oz. smoothie of fresh OJ and pineapple and a 64oz. banana, strawberry, cherry, spinach, coconut water smoothie. I sat at the table with my family and drank the whole pineapple smoothie while we talked about our day and the predicted snow coming. I had used up all the OJ so I made more. 64oz. of fresh squeezed OJ, with Angels help.  

Then I made flax crackers (flax meal, lime juice, onion and water)I put the batter on teflex sheets and put them in the dehydrator at 105 degrees Fahrenheit. It started snowing outside which is rare in central Texas. I went outside with Angel and we built a snowman. 
Then I went in the banana hut and wrote a letter to a friend. The snow was falling hard by then. So I went out to investigate. We were all excited to have snow so we went for a walk in the woods to check out our winter wonderland ❄️. After our walk. I drank half of my smoothie and started making homemade (raw)coleslaw and homemade tomato soup for supper. The adult children were coming over to play in the snow and eat. I kept taking breaks from my food prep to go outside and play with Christopher and Angel. He hooked up the “sled” (which was a VW car hood) to the 4 wheeler and was pulling Angel around in it. She was having a blast. When I went back inside to finish making food I finished the rest of the banana smoothie. I finished making the food just as the adult children arrived with Grandbaby Finn. Perfect timing! They ate some and then went out to play while I watched Finn for a while. He is 1 1/2 years old. They built a giant snowman and then came in to fetch Finn to go sledding. We all went sledding for a couple of hours. We had so much fun and my heart was filled to the top with joy. Everyone started getting cold and came inside. We finished off the tomato soup and I ate some  coleslaw. I went to start Angels bath but surprise the pipes were frozen. The adult kids headed home and we got ready for bed. Angel was so tired she could barely function. I read her stories and tucked her in. She was instantly asleep. Christopher and I headed over to the banana shack. As I went out the door I could hear water running. I checked the shower water and it was running again. Yay! So I took a shower and Christopher took one after me. It felt nice to be clean. In the banana shack we looked at each other’s pictures of our day and talked. I did yoga and stretching while we talked. Then we went back to the house and went to bed at 9pm. I slept so so good. 
It was another wonderful day! 
Morning meditation notes: LOVE IS MY NATURE

  • The love I am is current and alive.
  • The presence of love is always delivering its gifts.
  • I gently make the shift to my heart.
  • I completely embrace the movement of life which is the opening of love.
  • I feel the awakening of all I am consciously in this moment.
  • I am the fullness of life being born in wonder.
  • The more I gain the awareness of my heart, the more open I am to the wonderful truth of life.
  • I am aware.
  • This moment and every moment is the moment of my heart.
  • I rejoice in life.
  • I am completely fluid and flexible and open to life.
  • I am alive to presence. 
  • The truth of my heart is calling me. 
  • Everywhere there is love, I am. 
  • I remember to keep my awareness grand. 
  • I allow the whole of love to be at home in me. 
  • I reclaim the glory of love. 
  • I fly free of every limited perception. 
  • I reclaim my life as the open heart of God, I am. 
  • I open my glorious heart. 
  • Everything is conscious love. 
  • I fully create my experience of life. 
  • My heart is the hologram of God. 
  • My heart is the excitement of creation. 
  • I am the movement of love. 
  • I am a vast ocean of love. 
  • My heart flies and I embrace the whole of love. 
  • Love is the only real power. 
  • Love is my nature. 
  • Love is my beauty. 
  • Love is my energy. 
  • I remember how perfectly I wield the power of love. 
  • Love is the eternal answer to every question. 
  • Love is ready to be served by me now. 
  • My heart is open and I feel the vibrant presence of life. 
  • I choose to shift into my heart. 
  • I open my heart to the experience of limitlessness and freedom. 
  • God is alive inside of me. 
  • The energy of my heart is the vibration of truth. 

So be it!Amen

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