Dear diary and Friends,
It’s been a while since I posted about my day and what I ate.
I woke up at 4:52am. I went out to my studio which we call the “banana hut” to meditate. I have been enjoying listening to something on a YouTube channel called “The Wisdom of the Voices of the Ages” to start off my meditation. Then I write down what my heart resonates with. So I did that and posted my writings on social media. My morning meditations have been amazing lately. I look forward to them. After meditating I did some stretching.
I went back into the house. I had meditated longer than usual and only had a half hour to make my food to take to work and do my morning chores. I greeted my husband Christopher and daughter Angel, then hurried to do chores and make my food. Even though I was rushed I was still happy and peaceful inside. I made a 64 oz fresh OJ and pineapple smoothie and a 64 oz. spinach, banana, strawberry, coconut water, apple juice smoothie. I put them in jars and packed them in a cooler to take to work. Angel got in the car, while I sat with Christopher for a few minutes with some ginger tea to breathe and talk.
I headed to work. We took the back way on the dirt roads. It’s my favorite way to go. I love going slower and looking at beautiful scenery. On Thursdays I take Angel to my friends house to play with her boys who are ages 8 and 2. When we arrived, Angel was excited to see her friends and I talked to my friend for a few minutes. We always have great conversations about our inner work.
I arrived at my first job which was cleaning offices in a big warehouse. It’s a fun job and I had many great conversations with the people that work there. I really love people and they feel that. So many people approach me when I am out in public and share their struggles and joys. My heart envelopes them in love and we both benefit. Throughout the morning I drank my OJ and pineapple smoothie. After finishing up at the warehouse job, I went to the store and bought some organic bananas and raspberries. Then I went to my next job which is cleaning my church. At the church there was an electrical repair job going on, which was perfect because I had a zoom interview with a guy named John DePass about my weight loss and raw food story. So after talking with another church member for a few minutes I went into the office and meditated a few minutes until it was time for the interview. The interview was great fun and John was quite the character. When the interview was over I finished drinking the last of my OJ and pineapple smoothie. I came out of the office and the repair job was completed. Perfect timing! I did an extra thorough job of cleaning the church since a big mess had been created from the repairs. I love making things clean and beautiful ♥️.
When I finished cleaning I drank half of my banana smoothie as I drove to pick up Angel. When I arrived, I talked to my friend for a while and then headed home. On the way home I drank the other half of my banana smoothie. Then I got a flat tire. I was only about 3 miles from home and tried to call Christopher to come save me but I was in an area where my phone didn’t have service. I didn’t need saved anyway and I changed the tire myself. It was easy stuff and since the tires were getting low on tread anyway I was feeling happy about getting new ones. When I arrived home, I unloaded the car and washed out my smoothie jars. Christopher wanted to talk about my flat tire and find where the hole was on the tire. I found myself feeling frustrated because I was focused on my arrive home chores and wanted to deal with the tire after I had time to relax a few minutes. I immediately connected with the feeling of frustration, sent it love and allowed it to be. In less than a minute the feeling transformed back into peace and I continued on.
I started a bath with Epsom salts and enjoyed soaking for a half hour before Angel joined me. We had fun taking a bath together. Angel stayed in after I got out. I talked with Christopher, started laundry and got my supper of durian ready while waiting for Angel. Angel was taking her time in the bath and we were hungry. We told her it was time to get out several times, my hungry tummy was in a hurry to eat and Christopher wanted to shower, despite all that, I remained peaceful and accepting. Finally Angel was out of the bath, Christopher was showered and it was time to eat. I read Angel stories and we shared our gratitudes for the day during supper. The durian was not the best I’ve ever had but it was good enough. Christopher and Angel ate noodles as well as some durian. After supper we cleaned up, I hung laundry on the line, brushed my teeth and tucked Angel into bed. Christopher and I attempted to finish watching a John Wayne movie we had started a few days ago. I made it an hour before starting to fall asleep. So I went to bed early at 8pm. I slept great and was wide awake ready to start meditating at 3am. It was a wonderful day and night.
Morning meditation notes:January 8, 2020
Power of Love
- I make full conscious choices.
- I return home to love.
- I create consciously with love.
- The world is a gift.
- I honor the awakening of everyone.
- I put myself in the service to life and love.
- I am the power and force of life everywhere.
- I breathe love directly into being.
- My world is beauty and joy increasing.
- I surrender to the mystery of the merging of love.
- I am an expression of the heart of God.
- God lives within me.
- I enter the sacred chamber of my heart.
- I say yes to the power of love.
- I release all images of separation.
- I am meant to be in constant communion with God’s pure love.
- I am fully formed.
- I surrender to the fullness of my heart.
- Love is contagious.
- Love penetrates my being and transforms me.
- I say yes to the power of grace.
- I celebrate being home in love.
- I remember what it means to be the heart of love.
- I chose to live in pure joy.
- I remember what it means to be the heart of love.
- I choose to live in pure joy.
- My heart decides where it belongs.
- My heart knows it’s home.
So be it! Amen
Thank y’all fir reading my blog.
I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
Love reading your blog again. God’s richest blessings for the day.
Thank you for reading it! I am excited to get it going again ♥️. Much love to you my dear friend.
Oh Victoria! Thank you for sharing a day in the life! Love the way you focus on peace and love. I also learn about healthy food choices. Much love,
Arlene from West Virginia
Much love to you Arlene! Thank you for your comment. I really appreciate you reading my blog .