Clarity: Today’s Letter to Christopher

Dear Christopher,

December 8, 2019

It was magical last night coming home on the 4 wheeler, with the moon so bright and the stars, fresh air and trees. I felt so blessed to be sharing life experiences with you and Angel. I enjoy you!
Thank you again for your unconditional support. I feel so much better eating all living foods again. I sparkle again! It’s fun sparkling.
I’m really glad I received clarity on going to work in RR only once a week. I know once I take that leap and follow my bliss that amazing opportunities will present themselves. It happens every time.

Thank you for plowing up a winter garden space. I’ve been clearly shown that one of my life purposes is to plant fruit trees and grow food. When I do that it feels right and I become centered.
Thank you for making sure we are warm every night.
Thank you for your strength.
Thank you for being so damn cute!

I love you!



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