I woke up at 1:30am. I read and went back to sleep at 5am. I woke up again at 8:30am. I got up, took a shower and got dressed. I started a load of laundry. Angel woke up and was feeling much better. I made 3 64oz smoothies with 7 bananas, raspberries, one head of romaine and pumpkin seed milk each. Angel and I drank some smoothie (I usually don’t eat in the morning but I was hungry today). Then I sat on the front porch and enjoyed the birds while I drank some herbal tea.

Angel came outside and joined me. She played with her toys and we enjoyed the fresh air.

A bee came along and hung out on my colorful mug for a while. It also came and sat on my finger but I didn’t get a picture of it.

A couple of Jehovah Witness missionaries came by. I had a nice talk with them. Their names were Marta and Ed.

I decided that this was going to be a day of rest and reading. I knew that would be hard for me to do nothing all day but I was going to give it a try.
Angel wanted to go on a walk and ride her bicycle. I figured a slow paced walk was relaxing so off we went to the hardware store and the grocery store. Before we left I hung up some laundry on the line which always makes my heart happy for some unknown reason.

When we got back from the grocery store I was reminded that the gate needed fixed as I opened it up. So I spent some time fixing that, which wasn’t relaxing. It was a lot of work but I enjoyed the results. Yay! Then I decided to re-pot a plant that needed it really badly. Now it was a happy plant.
We had rented a redbox movie “Small Foot” when we were on our walk so we sat and watched that while we drank more smoothie. When the movie was over I washed all of Angels bedding since she had been sick. I also removed an air conditioner from my bedroom window, which was challenging. It had been in there a while and was sealed in with insulation foam. I finally got it out and put the screen back in the window which was also a challenge. I don’t know how they got the screen out in the first place! Once I got the screen back in place I aired out the house and thoroughly cleaned it from top to bottom with Angel helping. So much for doing nothing! Lol.
After the house was clean I drank more smoothie with Angel and admired our clean house. Then I checked the clothes on the line and added more. It was a beautiful warm day and I walked around the yard appreciating the flowers.

Then I came inside and read for a while and drank more smoothie. Angel drank more smoothie and played with her toys until bedtime. By the end of the day we had drank all 3 of our smoothies. We read 3 stories, wrote our gratitudes and went to bed at 8pm. Yay! Early bedtime.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I deeply appreciate y’all.
With love and gratitude,