Starting Over with a New Website

Dear Diary and Friends,
A few weeks ago I decided to change my website name from to I bought the new domain name and was very excited to get started changing my website. When I tried to link the 2 websites together, not knowing how or what I was doing, I ended up losing all my crazybananalady website data and the website wouldn’t load. I contact the domain host and after working with them for almost a week with no luck and retrieving the lost data, I told them to just scratch it and I would start fresh from the beginning with a new website. So that is what happened.

At first I was excited to get started building a new website from scratch but then I felt lost and out of sorts. I wanted to change the feel and purpose of my new website. I wanted it to focus less on diet and more on spiritual growth. I also had a little bit of heartache from losing 9 years of blog posts and my previous subscribers, while assuring myself that everything is as is should be. I decided to give the new website a rest and wait for inspiration on where to go from here.

On Thursday night I was at the local bistro talking with the owner and my friend Thomas about my new website and my feelings of being lost on where to go with it. He suggested my first blog post be about just that. Yes! Suddenly I received clarity on where to start. Writing is where my heart is. I have been journaling almost daily since I was 7 years old. I’m still journaling daily at the amazing age of 46. Authentically sharing my life’s journey as I go along is part of embracing my joy.

So here it is! My new website!

I will be adding my one on one retreats, recipes, programs and more….stay tuned!

Thank you for friends.

Thank you for writing.

Thank you for honesty.

Thank you for new starts.

I appreciate all who read this and are a part of my life.

With joy,


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