Laughter, Flooding and Getting Bit by a Wild Hog

Monday July 22, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 2:30AM. I wrote my blog and went back to sleep at 4 AM. I woke up again at 5:30 AM. I laid there a while doing a full body relaxation session. Angel was still asleep and I didn’t wake her up. She would be staying home with Christopher today. I let out the chickens, ducks and geese and went into the house. Christopher was still asleep. I let out the yorkies and fed them. I made my smoothie and tea and left to do my farm-sitting opportunity. On the way, I picked up Tracey and we took care of the animals. Then I dropped Tracey back off and headed to Rockdale to do a couple of cleaning opportunities.  Cleaning went good and I told my clients that I would be moving. They took the news well. After finishing my last…

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Farm-sitting, Grief and Clarity

Wednesday July 17, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 5:44 AM. I jumped out of bed. I was supposed to have left at 5:30 AM to get farm sitting…

Farm-sitting, Openness and Life

Monday, July 15, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 5:30 AM. I had slept deeply. I finished editing and writing my blog. I had completed three days of blog…

George Sitting, Farm Sitting and a Nap

Thursday, July 11, 2024 Dear diary  I woke up at 6:45 AM. It was so wonderful to sleep in. I could hear the birds squawking in their coops wanting to…

Good News

Monday, July 8, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at midnight and checked on Healer. He seemed to be doing OK. I fell asleep again at 1 am. I woke…

4th of July Parade

Saturday June 6, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 3 AM, I fell asleep again at 4 AM. I woke up again at 5 AM. I woke Angel up…

Love, Cleaning, Home and Play Practice

Tuesday, July 2, 2024 Dear diary  I woke up at 4 AM. I edited and posted my blog. Then I did a full body relaxation session and prayed my gratitudes:…

Pet Sitting, Kayaking and Home

Sunday June 30, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at midnight and thought I heard some noises outside. Since I was pet sitting at Val and Rita’s, I thought I…

Pet Sitting, Organizing and Peace

Saturday June 29, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 4:45 am and wrote my blog until 6 am. I got up and stripped the bedding. I put it in…

Papers, Fountain and Turks Cap

Wednesday June 26, 2024 Dear Diary, I woke up at 5:45 am. I edited my blog and posted it. Angel had been flopping around next to me all night and…