Monday September 30, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 6:30 am. I let the dogs out and fed them. I made tea and a smoothie. The smoothie was a whole pineapple blended up with fresh squeezed oj. I got in the hot tub and had a quick soak. I prayed my gratitude: Good morning God, I am grateful for hot tubs. I am grateful for mornings. I am grateful for acceptance. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for employment opportunities. I am grateful for pineapple. I am grateful for anger. I am grateful for church. Thank you. I love you.
When I got out of the hot tub, I got ready to go and drove to Christopher’s. On the drive I called txtag about the toll bill I had received for the Scion I had sold in August. The lady I was talking to had a strong accent and I could barely understand her. She said she would put me on hold and look up my account. Then we got disconnected. I called back and started the whole process over which was fine because this time I talked to a man I could clearly understand. I was still on hold when I pulled up to Christopher’s. Christopher was in the house making breakfast and I greeted him. I asked him how Angel was doing and he said that she was doing better. I found her in her room lying in bed playing on her phone. I asked her how she was feeling and she said she felt better. She told me she had eaten 2 small bags of potato chips yesterday morning and she thinks that is what made her sick. I gave her a hug and told her that I was glad she felt better. I went in the kitchen and talked to Christopher about when he wanted me to get Angel. While we were talking, the txtag man took me off hold and told me that all the toll charges were taken off of my account and my name has been removed from the Scion license plates. Yay! All that anger I had been feeling yesterday, over nothing 😂. I find myself entertaining at times. It is so fun being human. We have all of these emotions that get us worked up when all we have to do is be patient and give it to God. I really do love all of my life experiences and easily laugh at myself with kindness.
When I got off the phone, Christopher and I continued talking. He wanted to take Angel with him out in the woods with his friends Tuesday afternoon and evening. I told him that I didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be out there where everyone gets drunk. He said that he wouldn’t stay out there late but it might be the last time his best friend (let’s call him Chuck) and Angel get to see each other. Christopher told me that Chuck isn’t doing good and the Parkinson’s disease he was diagnosed with a couple of years ago has rapidly progressed. This didn’t surprise me because I know Chuck takes a lot of Valium. I studied the effects of Valium a while back and it can cause Parkinson’s and make it progress rapidly. I also know that Chuck drinks a lot which doesn’t help things either. Regardless, I know that Christopher cares about his friend and he started crying when he told me that he doesn’t think Chuck is going to live much longer. I gave him a hug and agreed to let Angel go out to see Chuck as long as they come home early. I know that one of Christopher’s other friends (let’s call him Marty) goes out there and he doesn’t drink. Marty will keep an eye on Angel too.
I as I left Christopher’s, I put a shelf I am selling by the gate. A lady will be picking it up later in the day. I drove to my friends Rita and Val’s. Rita had hired me to help her clean and organize their pantry. Once again, I forgot to take before pictures but it looked great after. I cleared out the entire pantry and went through all the food. Anything expired got thrown out or given to the chickens, ducks and goats. I wiped everything down and put what was kept, back in the pantry and organized it. Rita was very happy with the finished product and I was too. I love organizing. It is one of my favorite things to do. This is what I want to promote when I move to Idaho. Organizing and pet sitting. Plus I’m sure I will get the part time position I interviewed for being a property manager at a hot springs resort. Perfect!

After the organizing project was completed, I talked with Rita a while. Then I drove to Rockdale to wash inside windows at the house where I had washed the outside windows on Friday. It didn’t take me as long as I had anticipated. Washing the windows on the outside had taken me a lot longer. I had them all finished in a little over an hour. I chatted with my clients a while, then went down the road to clean an empty house that is for sale. I was surprised the house had stayed as clean as it was. It had been over a month since I’d last cleaned it. I touched it up and hearted (headed) to Moon Brew.
I ordered a cacao drink and vegetarian flat bread. I ate and talked with friends that were at the coffee shop. I messaged Christopher asking how Angel was doing and he said that she was doing great. She was eating and playing like normal. He sent a picture and she looked like she was back to her sassy self.
Angel and I rarely get sick and when we do we recover quickly. I attribute our health to our healthy eating but also to our healthy thinking. Positive thoughts create a positive body. I have been straying from my usual eating of mostly living food and have been eating processed foods, like breads and pasta. Digesting those foods make me more tired than usual because it used up a lot more of my bodies energy than raw food does. Raw foods have their own digestive enzymes and digest themselves. Hard to digest foods also give me inflammation but I don’t seem to be getting much of that lately. I’m in the habit of thinking positive and I still feel healthy eating differently than usual. Even when I was angry yesterday, I was positive about being angry…if that makes sense. I didn’t fight the anger or stuff it or tell myself that I shouldn’t be angry. I just felt it and let it be, until it fizzled out. I didn’t spew it out onto other people, I just felt it. Anger has big energy and it’s fun to just feel it. It feels delicious good to simply feel anger. I think of feeling my feelings as flowing along with them rather than being them. When I feel anger, I am not the anger, I am simply feeling anger. Feelings come and go. When anger is resisted or stuffed inside, it can cause a lot of suffering and health problems. When anger is stuck inside of our bodies, it bangs around in there and causes all sorts of havoc with our physical and mental well being.
In 2020 I attended some conscious language classes. Through those classes, I not only learned how powerful my thoughts and words are in creating my reality. I also learned to fully feel my feelings without resisting them. That was life changing for me. At that time, I also learned to give things to God and rest in faith. My mental and physical health improved drastically. When I changed to eating raw food in 2006, I had a huge shift in my mental and physical health at that time. I no longer heard voices and I lost 120 lbs. but I would still have episodes of self harm and depression. They were just much less intense and manageable. After learning how to fully feel my feelings in 2020, I haven’t had one episode of self harm. I still feel depressed at times but i don’t resist it. I fully feel the depression and give it to God, then I receive clarity on how to move forward with love. I love how my life just keeps getting better and better!
I went through the car wash and picked up Italian for dinner. Then, I drove to my pet sitting opportunity and let the dogs out. I finished listening to The Ladies Room while I sat in the hot tub. When I got out, I started laundry and fed the dogs. After they ate, the dogs and I cuddled in the couch and I ate my vegetarian spaghetti and watched a movie called Wildflowers, which was a fun movie. Then I watched a movie called Sound of Freedom which was about a man who rescued kidnapped children. It was not a fun movie but it was very eye opening and really good.

I went to bed early and looked online at rv’s for sale. I keep thinking I need a bigger motorhome but then I think that the one I have is just fine. It’s 20 feet and really small but small is good. I plan on Angel and I moving into it in the spring. I will spend the summer getting it winterized and that way we can live in it year round. I stopped looking at RV’s and read my book Wish You Well until 10 pm. I fell asleep listening to Your Faith is Your Fortune by Neville Goddard.
Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit.