Yard Sales, Wild Fires and Raining Ash

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Dear Diary, 

I woke up at 2:30 AM, I let the dogs out and I wrote my blog until 5 AM. I went back to sleep from 5:30 AM to 8 AM. I prayed my gratitudes: Good morning God, I am grateful for slow paced days. I am grateful for time with my sisters. I am grateful for Pet Sitting opportunities. I am grateful for wilderness. I am grateful for a comfortable bed to sleep in. I am grateful for tea. I am grateful for an abundance of good things in my life. thank you! I love you. ❤️. 

I got up and made tea. I did some cleaning around the house and sprayed off the front porch. I was going to meet my sisters at Zim’s hot springs at noon but they canceled. Instead I would meet Trish in New Meadows to get Angel. Trish said, Angel had woke up with a runny nose and a scratchy throat. I figured it was from the smoke in the air from all the wildfires around us but it would be good to skip swimming just in case she had a cold. 

I left early to meet Trish and talked to Christopher on the hands-free phone system on the drive. We had a good talk. I stopped at a yard sale in McCall. I got some great stuff there. I got a brand new blow up kayak with the pump and paddles, a complete set of the Little House on the Prairie books and a complete set of Ann of Green Gables books, a sleeping mat and a tall 8-foot ladder all for $40. I talked to the young couple having the yard sale and gave them my business cards. 

I met up with Trish in New Meadows and got Angel from her. Angel had her dvd player with her and was watching Annie. We stopped at another yard sale on our way back to our pet sitting house and I bought a box of random cards. I drove the back roads the rest of the way there and got to see new things I hadn’t seen before. 

When we got to the pet sitting house, I greeted the dogs and let them out. Angel went upstairs and played on her phone. I had a smoothie and made phone calls. I called my friend Rita to see if they’d had any luck finding someone else to farm sit for them since I had canceled yesterday. I told them about rover.com and said that I had looked up their address on the app. There were a lot of people available and they all have been background checked. She thanked me for letting them know about the app and said they were meeting a guy that a friend recommended to see if he would be willing to farm sit for them. When she told me who it was, it was someone I knew. I thought that he would be perfect for the job and I was sure he would be willing to do it. I told her to let me know how the meeting goes and if they ended up hiring him. I was really glad things were working out. Yay! Rita and I talked for a while and had a great conversation. She is such a good friend. 

Next, I made phone calls finalizing the music program I am hosting for the matinee musical club on September 16 in Rockdale. The day after I get back to Texas. I sure do love the music club. There’s so many things I love that I am going to miss in Texas. The music club, master naturalist, homeschool co-op, the Rockdale reporter, Moon Brew, the Bookstore, the Kay Theater, Ms. M, my adult daughter, the land, Christopher and his family, all my friends, my clients…there’s so much. 

Angel wanted to take a bath, so I got one started and she got in. I noticed it was raining ash outside and I called Trish to see if it was raining ash in Council. She said that it was. I told her about evacuations happening in Indian Valley which is just south of Council. Evacuations were happening south of me too near Cascade. The fires really exploded today and there are so many of them going on right now. I’ve never seen this many fires in Idaho all at once before. I’ve been keeping an eye on them on an app called Watch Duty since I’m practically surrounded by them. I also signed up to receive notices on my phone if we need to evacuate. 

My mom called and I talked to her for a while. She is doing good and keeping busy. When I hung up with her, I made myself a big salad, cuddled up with the dogs and watched a movie on Netflix called The Dig. It was really good. Angel finally got out of the bath. She had taken an extra long one and kept adding warm water. She was feeling better. I think the steam from the warm water helped her scratchy throat. I’m sure it’s caused from all the smoke in the air. Angel wanted waffles for dinner and I made them for her. When she finished eating, we got ready for bed. She chose the last book in the Little House on the Prairie series for me to read to her. We’ve listened to all the books on audio and the last book is her favorite. We got into bed and cuddled up. I read for a hour, then we turned out the light. I checked on the fires before going to sleep. We fell asleep at around 9:30 PM. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria 

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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