Wednesday September 25, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4 am. I wrote my blog and fell back asleep at 6 am listening to The Silenced Self:
I woke up again at 8 am. Angel woke up at the same time. We got up and made our beds. I let out the chickens, ducks and geese and hung clean laundry on the line. Then we went into the house. I made tea and got out my leftover smoothie from yesterday that I didn’t drink. Christopher was at work and had left a breakfast burrito that he had made for Angel for breakfast. Angel ate and we got ready to go to town. I prayed my gratitudes: Good morning God, I am grateful for extra sleep. I am grateful for friends. I am grateful for encouragement. I am grateful for self care. I am grateful for baths. I am grateful for breath. I am grateful for mornings. I am grateful for colors. I am grateful for opportunities. Thank you. I love you.
We finished getting ready and I drove us to Rockdale. On the way there we listened to a Goosebumpsaudiobook. As soon as we got to town I saw that the air pressure was low on one my tires. “Again!” I thought. I had just had a tire fixed on the other side of the truck on Friday.
I was almost to the tire repair shop and I pulled into it. There was only one guy working there and he was busy. The tire seemed to be very slowly leaking air so I told him I would be back in a while. We went to the thrift store to look for a church dress that I can wear while I’m here in Texas, a coffee grinder for my friend Kim and a Halloween costume for Angel. They didn’t have any Halloween costumes out yet and they didn’t have any coffee grinders but they did have a great church dress in my size. Angel got a couple of pair of shorts and a puzzle.
We went back to the tire shop and the guy working there was still really busy but got to us right away. There was a nail in my tire. We had 20 minutes before Story-time at the library started and I wasn’t sure if we would make it. The tire was patched and put back on and we arrived at the library one minute before Story-time. We went inside and quickly went upstairs to the children’s section. The lady doing story-time has just started reading the first story. I uploaded videos into YouTube while the stories were being read. Once the videos were uploaded, I added them to my blog and posted it. By the time I finished all of that, Story-time was almost over. Angel colored a picture and we went downstairs. I talked to the head librarian about a few things before we left. She is such a wonderful lady and we had a great talk about living by faith and letting God take charge of our lives rather than doing it in our own.

After leaving the library, we briefly stopped at Moon Brew and I got a matcha tea. Then we went to the Rockdale Reporter to deliver newspapers. Kyle had messaged me earlier letting me know that I was training people to take over my route today. A couple that was in their 70’s. I had all kinds of things in the back seat of my truck that I needed to unload in order to make room for them. I arrived at the same time as the newspapers and met the couple I was training. Let’s call them Beth and Bud. Kyle helped me clear out my back seat and Angel went up front to hang out with Suzy. Beth, Bud and I loaded up the newspapers and we left to do the route. Beth sat up front with me and went inside the businesses with me to drop off the papers. I introduced her to everyone and showed her how to collect the money. By the end of the route, I wasn’t sure if she was going to still want to do the job. It’s a lot to remember, a lot of counting and a lot of businesses to go into. When I asked her if it’s still something she wanted to do, she said that she thinks so. They will ride with me again next week.
I collected Angel from the Reporter and we got food at La Carretta. Angel got a bean burrito and I got a vegetarian omelet. Then we drove to one of my cleaning clients houses and I loaded up a bunch of stuff she is donating. I dropped it all off at the Milano fire department for their upcoming yard sale and drove to Christopher’s.
I sat outside and talked to Christopher for a few minutes about the hurricane that is about to hit Florida. It’s going to be a big one. Then I went in the banana hut with Angel. I put on a Goosebumps audiobook for her to listen to and I fell asleep. I slept for 2 hours. I’m not sure what’s up with the long naps the past few days but I am enjoying the extra rest.
When I wrote up, I sat by the fountain with Christopher until it was time to go to Bible study. On the drive to Bible study, Angel watched a ScoobyDo movie on her DVD player that she had rented from the library and I listened to my audiobook The Ladies Room. We arrived 15 minutes early. Angel played with the kids outside and I visited with people in the sanctuary. Bible study was great. It was about following the Holy Spirits guidance that we receive from within us. I shared about my experience of straying from the Holy Spirits guidance when I got caught up with Tracey and my life became chaotic and crazy. But God had no judgment against me when I stepped back into following his guidance through the Holy Spirit. Then the events in my life started falling into place with ease once again.
When we arrived home from Bible study, Christopher was already in bed. Angel and I took a bath and went to bed. I put on a sleep meditation and we fell asleep at around 10 pm.
Thursday September 26, 2024
Dear Diary,
I woke up at 4:30 am. I wrote my blog until 5 am. Then I woke up Angel. She went in the house and I stripped the bedding off of our beds. I took the clean clothes out of the washing machine and started the sheets washing. I hung up the clean clothes on the line and went into the house. Christopher was up and about making breakfast. I greeted him and made tea and a smoothie. My smoothie was 7 frozen bananas, a handful of frozen grapes, cacao, turmeric and fresh squeezed oj. Angel ate her breakfast and got ready to go. We left at 6 am and drove to my new pet sitting opportunity. The dogs were happy to see us. I let them out to use the bathroom and fed them. I fed the cat and read through all the instructions to make sure I did everything correctly. Then I gave each of the dogs a treat and left to take Angel to her horse riding lessons.

We listened to a Goosebumps audiobook on the drive and arrived right on time. Angel was excited to do her riding lessons. She rode around the corral and then got to ride out in the field which she loved. I enjoyed watching her and chatting with the other instructors that were there.
When riding lessons was finished, we had extra time before we had to be at homeschool co-op. I stopped at the vet in Lexington and bought some flea pills for Bits. Then we went to a little restaurant. Angel got a pancake and I got a vegetarian omelet. I prayed my gratitudes: Good morning God, I am grateful for riding lessons. I am grateful for pet sitting opportunities. I am grateful for cooler weather. I am grateful for dogs. I am grateful for joy. I am grateful for extra sleep. I am grateful for life. Thank you. I love you.
After we ate, we went to homeschool co-op. The kids sang, did a lesson about geography and played. I chatted with the other moms while the kids had their play time and we enjoyed each other’s company. When it was time to go, Angel and I hearted (headed) to Christopher’s. My adult daughter was going to be picking up Angel from there. On the drive we continued listening to the Goosebumps audiobook and finished it 5 minutes before we got there.
I greeted Christopher as soon as we arrived, then I immediately started juicing. I made 2 gallons of apple/pineapple/grape juice and 3/4 gallon of almond milk. I used up the last of the wild apples that I had picked in Idaho and I was grateful they had lasted that long. There should still be some apple in the trees when I get back to Idaho in mid October. I want to harvest more apples and also harvest some elderberries. Then I will make apple/elderberry juice! Yummy!

Angels older sister came and picked her up right as I finished juicing. I cleaned up the kitchen and took the compost out to the chickens, ducks and geese. Then I put clean water in their pools and gave the goats fresh water. Before giving the goats water, I cleaned out their water containers with a brand new toilet brush that I had bought. It worked great. I hung the toilet brush from the fence with a carabiner so that Christopher can use it in the future. He had been sitting by the fountain watching me and when I finished I walked over to him. Christopher asked me if the toilet brush worked and I said that it worked great. I told him I had hung it in the fence so that he can use it in the future and it’s easy to get to. I wasn’t sure if he would like that or not but he said thank you and I was glad.
I decided to sell my Kawasaki mule. I took pictures of it and put it online. I had been planning on hauling it to Idaho and using it in the little town that I’m going to be living in. A lot of people drive their side-x-sides around town. I don’t want the payments though and I can easily bicycle or walk around town. It’s a really small town. I’m planning on getting my electric bicycle running again and I can use that also. I don’t need the side-x-side. Besides my sister has one as well as a 4-wheeler. I can borrow one or the other if I really need too. It will be nice not hauling my side-x-side it all the way to Idaho. As soon as I posted it for sale online, I immediately had people messaging me about it. It’s definitely going to sell fast at my asking price, which will pay off my loan in full. Yay!

I sat and talked with Christopher for a while. Then I got in Angels pool to cool off. Feeling refreshed, I put away the clean laundry off the line and put clean sheets on the trundle bed in the banana hut. I packed up stuff to take to my pet sitting house and gave Christopher a hug before I left. I listened to The Ladies Room on the drive and when I arrived the pups were happy to see me. I let them outside and fed them. Then I got ready to do a zoom interview with the owners of the hot springs in Idaho that I am wanted to be a property manager for. I was nervous because I really want this opportunity and prayed that the interview would go well. The interview wasn’t easy but I feel like I did well. At the end of it, they asked me to send them 3 references and I took that as a good sign. I sent the references as soon as I got off the phone. I kept going over in my mind what I should and should not have said during the interview but I kept giving it back to God and rested in knowing that God was in charge and I wasn’t.
I sat in the hot tub for a while, when I opened up the cover, there was a cute little scorpion sitting on the edge. I swiped him off into the grass and got in. I had a good relaxing soak, then I watched a movie that wasn’t that great and wasn’t good energy called Hillbilly Elegy. I felt yucky after watching it and went to bed. I listened to my audiobook The Ladies Room and fell asleep at around 9 pm.

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you.
Love, Victoria
P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit.