Toll Bill, Church and Such

Sunday September 29, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 3:30 am. I wrote my blog and posted it. Then I fell back asleep from 5:30 am to 7:30 am. I woke up and let the dogs out. When they came back in, I fed them and fed the cat. Then I made tea and got in the hot tub. I soaked and fully relaxed my body while listening to The Ladies Room on audio. I turned on the hot tub jets, enjoyed a good back massage and watched the sun rise.

When I got out, I got ready for church. I didn’t make a smoothie and instead packed up fresh mango juice I had bought at HEB the other day when I was in Round Rock. Right before I left, I thoroughly watered all of the outside plants. 

I drove to Christopher’s and got my sandals that I had left there. I didn’t think my tennis shoes would look very good with my dress. I greeted Christopher when I arrived and went into the house. There was a Txtag toll bill for me on the table that Christopher had brought in from the mail yesterday. I opened it up and I had $40 in toll charges for my Toyota Scion that I had sold last month. I had meant to take the license plates off but had forgotten. I had also meant to turn in a vehicle transfer notification to the DMV and had forgotten that too. I had been packing and purging at that time, getting ready to move all my stuff to Idaho. I know I had written out a bill of sale when I sold it and I thought I had put it in my truck. I searched through the glove box and everything else in the truck but the bill of sale was not there. I searched my purse but it wasn’t there either. I left a text message with my sister Missy asking her if she would look in my motorhome that was parked at her place in Idaho. 

It was time to go to church, so I put on my sandals and left Little Bit with Christopher. I greeted people when I arrived at church but I wasn’t fully present with them because I was distracted thinking about where I could have put that bill of sale. I was also angry that I hadn’t taken off the license plates and that I hasn’t filled out the transfer form and that the people I had sold it to didn’t transfer the title to their name before driving it through a bunch of tolls. I was in a downright sizzling fury. I didn’t want to deal with all of this right now. 

I didn’t listen to the sermon very well and instead found the Facebook messenger messages I’d had with the person I sold the car to. I looked up their profile and it told me nothing. Well boo!! After the sermon we had communion. I pulled myself together for communion and prayed for God to give me a heart of forgiveness and asked for guidance in this toll bill business. I prayed that it would all work out. 

When church was over, I talked with the couple that is buying my side-x-side. The man asked if I had the owners manual for it. I told him that I thought Christopher had it. We decided that Tuesday would work best for them to come pick up the side-x-side. They had things going on today and tomorrow.

 I chatted with some more people on my way out the door. One lady had a gift for Angel that she asked me to give to her and we had a good talk about different types of churches. She is going to go to church with her new boyfriend next Sunday and he is Methodist. She was telling me how the Methodist have a more reverent service. I told her how much I loved the Episcopal services when I went to that church. They were very reverent while our Baptist services are more worship focused. We agreed that we like both kinds of services and that they both are great in their own way. 

When I got back to Christoper’s, Bits was super happy to see me. I held him and greeted Christopher. I asked Christopher about the owners manual for the side-x-side and he said he thought that I had it. Blast it all! I wasn’t able to find the bill of sale I was looking for earlier and now the owners manual for the side-x-side was missing. *%#€¥£! I didn’t remember seeing it in my stuff I brought to Idaho. Oh well! I could find an owners manual online and print it out for them if I had to or I could just buy another one. 

I left to go to my pet sitting house but right when I pulled up, I received a call from Angel’s adopted grandmother Peggy saying that they were back from church camp and Angel was ready for me to come get her. I said I would leave right now and hearted (headed) to Round Rock. I listened to The Ladies Room on the drive. That is such a fun book even if it is a little over the top with the main character finding the perfect man. I’d like to read a fiction book that has the woman living happily ever after being perfectly content single and unattached. It is possible for women to live completely fulfilling lives on their own but fiction books never seem to end that way. 

Before getting Angel, I stopped at HEB and bought more fresh OJ, some coconut water, pineapples and vegetarian sushi rolls. I got Angel and she said she wasn’t feeling good. Peggy told me that she had thrown up twice already. We got in the car and Angel drank some coconut water, then she promptly threw it up. I was in heavy traffic and couldn’t do much. I handed her some napkins and she cleaned up what she could. At least it had just been coconut water. I played a Goosebumps audiobook for her and she laid her seat back and listened to it. I called Christopher and asked if he wanted to come get Angel from me in Rockdale. She wanted to go spend time with him while I was at my pet sitting house. He said he would meet us and we agreed to meet at the Kay Theater. I told him that Angel wasn’t feeling good and he said that he still wanted to get her. 

Christopher arrived at the Kay Theater just a few minutes after we got there. I had gotten cleaning rags out from my cleaning supplies in the back of the truck and was cleaning up where Angel had thrown up coconut water. She said she was feeling better and I told her I would see her tomorrow. Christopher and Angel left and I drove to my pet sitting house. I let out the dogs and fed them. My sister Missy texted me back and wasn’t able to find my bill of sale in the motorhome. I guess it was lost. I filled out the vehicle transfer form on-line and put unknown for the name of the person I sold it to. I didn’t know if it would be accepted or not but I will call them tomorrow to see if we can get it all straightened out. I was feeling more at peace with the whole situation. The anger has run its course and I had moved on to acceptance. I knew there was a solution and it would all work out. 

I ate my vegetarian sushi rolls and watched a movie called Nyad about a lady that swam from Cuba to Florida. It was a great movie. When it was over, I called my son Shawn and we talked for quite a while. I was going to watch another movie but it was getting too late. Besides, one movie is plenty. I’m not usually a TV watcher but I’m having fun with it temporarily. I’ll get back to watching the big screen (outside) again. Watching the little screen (TV) gets old after a while. 

I got ready for bed and wrote my blog until 9:30 pm. Then I fell asleep at 10:30 pm listening to:

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post is inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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