Pet Sitting, Windows Washing, Side-x-Side, Honey Store and Round Rock

Friday September 27, 2024

Dear Diary,

I woke up at 2 am. I was nervous and fretting about getting the property management position I had my 2nd interview for yesterday. I just wanted to know if I got the position or not. I kept putting it in Gods hands and then taking it back. I did a full body relaxation session and put on an audiobook called The Magic of Acceptance. I finally fell back asleep at around 5 am. I woke up again at 8 am. I hadn’t planned on sleeping that late. I jumped out of bed and let the dogs out. When they came back in, I fed them and made my tea. I had made a smoothie yesterday for today and I packed it to go in my cooler. I sat with the dogs and wrote my blog until 9 am. Then I sat in the hot tub for 5 minutes before I got ready to go to town to do a window cleaning opportunity. 

There was road construction on my way to town and I thought I might be late but I arrived right on time. I enjoyed cleaning the windows. It was a one story house and they were all easy to reach. I only had to get on a ladder for 3 windows. They looked great when I finished. My client was happy with my work and hired me to do the inside windows. I put her on the schedule for Monday, then we sat in her kitchen and talked for a half hour. She asked about my move and told me about places she has visited in Washington state. It was a fun conversation. I love people so much! 

Next, I went to Moon Brew and ordered a cacao hot chocolate with almond milk. A lady had left a message on my phone about horse riding lessons in Idaho. I had left her a message yesterday and she had responded to my call. I called her back and she offered lessons for only $30. Yay! The bonus is, it’s only 5 minutes away from where we will be living. Here in Texas we drive 30 minutes for Angel’s riding lessons and it cost $40 a lesson. 

I left Moon Brew and drove to Christopher’s. I greeted him when I arrived, then I thoroughly washed my side-x-side. There were people coming over to look at it, a couple from church. I would love to sell it to them because I know they are honest. They pulled up just as I finished cleaning it. The man looked the side-x-side over and Christopher showed him all the features. I chatted with his wife, who I really enjoy. I always make it a point to greet her at church on Sundays. Her husband took the side-x-side on a test drive and they said they would think it over and let me know before the end of the day. 

They left and Christopher said he didn’t think they would buy it. I found that perspective interesting because I was pretty sure they would buy it. Christopher and I often have opposite perspectives. 

Christopher left to go drinking out in the woods with his friends. I took my clean blankets off of the line and finished making my bed in the banana hut. Then I packed up the last of my stuff to take to my pet sitting opportunity. I received a text from the couple that looked at the side-x-side, they had decided to not buy it. Christopher was correct in thinking that they wouldn’t buy it. No matter, I had a lot more people interested in it. I messaged them, letting them know that it was still available. 

I left to go pick up Angel from her sister and take her to her adopted grandparents, Peggy and George, in Round Rock. She was going to church camp with Peggy this weekend. On the way to pick her up, I stopped at my pet sitting opportunity to let the dogs out and give them a treat. I got Angel from her sisters and we hearted (headed) to Round Rock. We stopped at Walker Honey Store on the way and got 2 gallons of honey filled up. A couple of weeks ago, I had looked up places to buy honey by the gallon in Idaho. We go through a lot of honey and it’s a much better deal if I buy it by the gallon. I found a place an hour away from where I’ll be living that costs the same as the Walker Honey store. The same distance away from me and the same price. Perfect! 

Angel and I listened to a Goosebumps audiobook on the drive. Angel likes those books a lot. When we arrived at Peggy and George’s, I received a text from the couple that had looked at the side-x-side asking if it was still available. I responded that it was and they said they had changed their mind and decided they wanted it. Great! I knew they would buy it! Both Christopher and I were right, they didn’t buy it but then they did buy it. Fascinating! 

Angel and I went inside. Angel was excited to be there and started playing with her toys. I gave Peggy a hug and said hi to George. A couple of weeks ago, Peggy had asked if I would come spend the day with George on Saturday while her and Angel are at camp. I had told her that I had already made a pet sitting commitment and was cleaning churches that day. Peggy had pleaded with me and I had reluctantly said that I could come for a couple of hours. I had gone against what I knew was best for me by agreeing to drive all the way to Round Rock and back to spend a couple of hours with George. I knew that it would keep me from doing my best at pet sitting and cleaning the churches because it would take up 5 hours of my day including the drive time. A few days later I decided that I was not going to compromise what I knew was best. I had called Peggy back and said that I would not be able to come be with George. She pleaded some more and I assured her that George would be just fine being by himself for one day. I told her that I couldn’t drive there to be with George but I would call him and talk to him for a while. That felt right to me. Peggy conceded to that being ok and I was glad that I had stood strong in doing what I knew was best for me. 

I talked to Peggy a few minutes and told George that I would call him tomorrow and asked him what time was best. He said that anytime after noon was good. I helped Peggy carry some things to her car and gave her and Angel a hug goodbye. I left and went to HEB to get fresh squeezed OJ. (I need to manifest a place in Idaho that sells fresh squeezed OJ.) Then I got some vegetarian pho and listened to The Ladies Room on the way to Rockdale. I am really enjoying that book. It’s great fun. 

When I got to Rockdale, I stopped at the Kay Theater where they were showing a movie. I said hi to friends that were there and got some free popcorn. I went to my pet sitting house and let out the dogs. I fed them and brought in my stuff from the truck. I got in the hot tub a few minutes, then I ate my pho and popcorn while watching a movie called I Can Only Imagine. It was a fantastic movie. When it was over, I went to bed and fell asleep at around 10 pm listening to A Complete Guide to Living Life Fearlessly. 

Thank you for reading my blog and being a part of my life. I appreciate you. 

Love, Victoria

P.S. this blog post was inspired by the Holy Spirit. 

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